MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Interested in becoming a MovieChat Moder...

Interested in becoming a MovieChat Moderator?

Looks like we've just had our first troll attack! We all knew they would come, and I had been anticipating it and had already put IP-banning measures in place. I view it as a sign that our site is growing and attracting more attention, which is a clear positive.

We are now looking for a small team of moderators, one or two from each major timezone, to help keep the trolls at bay. As I've stated before, freedom of speech is truly important to our community, but clear and obvious trolling will not be tolerated.

If you're interested in becoming a MovieChat moderator, please reply directly to this post and let me know.

Note: We're looking for established members with a long posting history. No new members or members with only a few posts will be considered at this time.

UPDATE: Thanks for everyone's interest. We will be contacting candidates shortly at the email address associated with your MovieChat account. If you don't have an email associated with your account, please add one, or alternatively drop me a line at stating your username here. Thanks!


Eastern Time Zone. I have 5 years experience admining brand ambassador groups, gigs that are freelance on facebook. I would not mind taking on the challenge and combating trolls.


Hi Jim,

I'd certainly be interested! I live in Sydney, Australia and would love to help out.




This was brought up by several users here. Instead of letting a third party decide who to ban, why not consider an ignore button? This button could be open to every user and really, the troll would never have to be banned at all. I am not FOR trolls by any means, BUT maybe then only the people that actually want to write to the troll can. The users who ignore the troll would not have to put up with them and I am sure the trolling would also die down. Not a bad idea.


this ^^^


This won't work. Consider people who lurk here without posting, and without the ability to block trolls. They will be forced to read all the troll posts, and cold be turned away by them.

Besides, if this was such a smart idea, how come all the other sites do have mods?


"Besides, if this was such a smart idea, how come all the other sites do have mods?"

I think this, maybe inadvertently, brings up a good point. Looking back at previous forums I've hung out on, the mods have had to swoop in for non-troll (kinda) related stuff, too. I was on another forum where people would occasionally create accounts just so they could start threads with innocent titles and nothing but porn in them. And I'm sure most of us who were around on IMDB remember how often you'd get posts from bots trying to get people to click links promising free movies when in reality they just led to a place where a virus could infect your computer. On yet another forum I've been on there are regularly spam bots posting threads that consist solely of ads (again, most likely malware), and I even got a PM trying to get my e-mail address on that one.

The point I'm getting at is, even if you decide things most troll activity is okay, surely some stuff is objectively bad for the site, and needs mods to get rid of it (Jim can't do it all).

(That said, I do think a warning system would probably be smart, instead of just instant ban hammering, except in extreme cases like the ones mentioned.)


Yes, it could turn new lurkers away. I never thought of that.


I am eastern standard time Jim would love to be. Moderator


Yeah!!! IP Banning. Thank god. This site is really shaping up to be great. I think another thing to watch out for is turning popular boards into random discussion boards. That crap plagued IMDB for years. I would want to go to a movie board to discuss a movie, and the comments section would just be cluttered with off-topic nonsense. I don't think IP banning would be warranted for a first offense, but I think there should be a system to deal with that too.


Hi Jim. Once again, great site. Thanks for all of your hard work. It is greatly appreciated.
I wouldn't be interested in becoming a mod.
Personally I feel that all that is needed is an ignore button but whatever you all decide is fine by me.


Not really sure how many posts you consider a few or what counts as established, but I might as well put up that I'm willing if you would consider me qualified. I have nothing but free time and would love to help keep the boards pleasant.

I live in the US Eastern Standard Timezone.


Hi Jim...

I want nominate the two BEST moderators I know...

Ignore Button & IP Banning

Thank you!! 😃😃😃😃


Good answer



I almost didn't open it b/c it was a link


Lol no worries, all links from me are safe. 😊
