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Longer movies you saw more than once

I was watching Zodiac again and I remembered I went and sat through this in the theater twice, even though going to the movies is kind of a pain in the butt most of the time, and particularly in 2007 I wasn't into going. I actually can't think of any others besides J.F.K. that I went and saw multiple times. Which longer movies did you think were so good that you braved the theater more than once? Difficulty: no Titanic.


Does Titanic in 3D count?


OK, that's fine.


Then Titanic in 3d.

Has to be experienced at least once and I would see it in 3D again, though not in any normal cinema.


I actually thought you were kidding! I didn't know they re-released in 3D.



The first half of the film up until it hits the iceberg can be skipped but everything after that is worth paying to see in 3D again.


I watched 2001 space odyssey in cinema twice, some 10 years apart, because I wanted to.

I watched several other movies twice as well, not because I wanted to but because the first time I went with people who wouldn't stop talking and ruined the experience for me. So next time I went alone. The usual suspects, Passengers, and some other movies as well.


Hamlet, Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather, Part II and The Deer Hunter are all films which I can watch again quite happily.

And I've always got time for Forrest Gump regardless of my mood.


I'm a big fan of Peter O'Toole. I've seen Lof A many times. They show it yearly at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. I never miss it. However I sneak in several bottles of aqua as you need to stay hydrated in the desert!!


It is a long movie, that's for sure!

The British Film Institute does big screenings of many movies over the Summer in London and it is well worth going down and seeing a classic outdoors with other cinephiles.


I've seen plenty of longer movies multiple times, but still only once in theaters. Such as the Lord of the Rings films (including Hobbit movies) and Avatar.


I didn't see the second LOTR in theater more than once, but I remember it was so engrossing that for the duration of the film I forgot how miserably pregnant I was. Then I got emotional when the trees showed up and remembered.


Resident Evil : The final Chapter and the entire franchise


Reds - saw in a theater twice.
3h 20m

Fanny and Alexander- saw in a theater twice
5h 40m


Dr Zhivago
The Searchers
