MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The trolls LOSE

The trolls LOSE

Ignored 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thanks Jim


Funny how your posts stopped 2 days ago. The last 10 were obscene replies to other users.




Anyone can check your history. Why haven't you been banned?

I fucked your mom now enjoy ignore bitch
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

I fucked your mother again son now enjoy ignore
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Ignored, you fucking retard
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Suck my dick you homo. I am about to put my dick in my hottie's pussy
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Get a life nerd. I am about to bang a hot bitch !
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Movie Awards board is specifically made for this. Start a thread there as well.
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Lol hahaha what a fucking loser. Who the hell takes this shit seriously?
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

Suck my dick. You know you want to, bitch
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion

No one gives a shit about this. Get a life you stupid nerd
posted 4 days ago in General Discussion


"Anyone can check your history. Why haven't you been banned? "

Good question. He should have been banned weeks ago, along with his other socks. Some of those posts I reported (yet are obviously still there), some I didn't think were report-worthy, and some I didn't see.


Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We're dealing with his posts now.


Why is Ben allowed here?


I don't know. He's already been given more than enough rope to hang himself with.


As I said, we are dealing with the problem now. Most (if not all) of his IPs have been banned, and we're getting to the other posts/IPs as soon as we can.


*relieved* Thanks!!


Thank you Moderator1 (sounds like a cool Star Wars squadron name) for your time/work and helping Jim out with this.

I noticed the Troll user didn't act up last night (intentionally messing up the Trending bar). So maybe the presence of a monitoring mod really does help. It's not going to stop all of it, but even one extra mod helps a lot. Because trolls only act like this because they're thinking "Jim is away for a while and I can make a mess."


Perhaps it is. 😉
You're welcome, of course; we're here to help.

"Troll" has been banned; at least the IPs that he has used so far.

Maybe my presence does make a difference as well, only time will tell.


Thanks for your help and work mod 1!🍺👍🏻


Moderator1, sorry to bother you again, but the trolls are back and doing the same thing with the Trending Bar.

NSFW language ahead:
Example 1

Example 2

The user doing this seems to be "Troll" (likely sock accounts of Ben/BenCaesar/Wilson/God/666?)



Yeah, I noticed that even with a so-called mod, all the trolls and their troll threads are staying. why is Ben allowed to stay?

Nothing has changed.

Something feels fishy.
I'm not too hopeful anymore and I don't see myself hanging out here often.


Oh, for heavens sake, God and Satan are at it again...........when will this war ever end?


That made me laugh : )


Me too :D


Well, I've seen a lot of ex-imdbers say they will not be anywhere where Ben is.


Really? Where did you see them say that? I knew nothing about Ben until I came here. He must have not hung out on the same boards I did.


Ben Caesar was famous on IMDb. I never interacted with him until after the boards were shut down and we all became e-drifters. But from what I heard about him, he was a notorious troll, doxxer, who would try to personally ruin peoples lives. I heard he eventually got doxxed and some nude pics of his were leaked or something. I don't know the details, because that kind of stuff never interested me any.

I don't understand harboring personal feelings against people on the internet. At least, not to the point where you try to ruin their real life. Now, if I ever met one of them in real life, I might punch them in the face. But that's about as far I would go.


I've read the same things about him, except for the bit about him getting doxxed in return. Looks like poetic justice was at work. Yeah, this sort of thing never interested me either. I think I naturally gravitated to the troll-free (or at least relatively so) IMDB boards, so have little experience with all of this sort o' tripe.

I don't get it either. What's the point?

I like e-drifters :)


ugh^ that is another one.
I dealt with your weird nonsense last night. All you do is play mind games. You accused me of why are you asking me stuff.


What?! I didn't accuse you of lying, you accused *me* of lying, and I'm playing no mind games -- not my style. I also don't hold grudges, but if you do, okay then.


