MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Films that made you laugh the most.

Films that made you laugh the most.

I think mine has to Galaxy Quest as the main one.

Others are oldies...
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Money Pit
Life of Brian
The Airplane type films
Young Frankenstein
The Princess bride
All Of Me


Usually the horror movies😎


The Exorcist made me laugh. It was so stupid.


Probably 'Tucker and Dale vs Evil'. The whole cinema was celebrating the movie, everybody seemed to be in great spirits. The most cheerful cinema experience I had.


I was trying to remember the name of that one to add it. Came across it by accident and yes it is really funny. I like Alan Tudyk. He's great in Con Man.


Back in the day... Arthur. Absolutely hilarious!!!!

In this day and age... White Chicks. Nonstop laughter!!!!

Yeah, I know, I have eclectic tastes. So sue me LOL!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I used to love Arthur when I was a kid, I watched it countless times. Haven't seen it in years so I don't know how I would feel about it now. Too bad the remake sucked as I like Russel Brand.


It's not quite as funny as we found it back then. But still induces laughter for me.

And I feel the same way about the remake and Russell Brand.


Superbad. LOVE that film.


Step Brothers
Tommy boy
This is the End


Prestige Worldwide!



Boats 'n' Hoes, Boats 'n' Hoes, I gotta have me more boats 'n' hoes.


Project X I did not expect to be so funny. Just remembered that one.



God I'm old LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the only film I can remember laughing through most of it.

I love to laugh, but don't find many comedies all that funny.

After Hours with Griffin Dunne had a lot of great dark humour in it, in an almost I Love Lucy, "god, what could possible go wrong for him next?" way.

Life of Brian was funny, as were all of the MIBs.


I saw the film Galaxy Quest for the first time with a bunch of my guy friends and we just cracked each other up. Probably the hardest I've laughed at any film. We couldn't breath.

The only thing that cracks me up and makes me laugh when I'm by myself is certain scenes on The Family Guy.


Galaxy Quest makes me laugh even when I know what is coming. Seen it so many times already but I still can't help laughing at it. Just the perfect cast playing it up brilliantly.


A fellow Questerian! Yes, GQ was awesome and hilarious through many repeat viewings. Wanna know something crazy? It was the writer's first screenplay and he never did another!


Wow! That is such a pity he never carried on writing. Bet he would have turned out some pretty good scripts.
