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Shows that started off great and then fizzled out.

I find it sad when a series is new and exciting but as seasons go on, they get let down by bad writers and stale ideas, falling into a rut of being the same thing over and over.

I'll start off with Person Of Interest.

Great when it started but got so boring in the end that every episode was just look! bad guys! run away and hide somewhere, have a gunfight with the bad guys wherever they hid and then make it back to the hideout.


Boardwalk empire


Haven't watched that one yet.


Really? That bad? The first season was the best for me and it went a little downhill with every season, but I thought it stayed pretty good. Only the finale was disappointing because it was so rushed.


The last few episodes were really bad and disappointing


I loved Boardwalk Empire even till the end. That show had a monumentally talented cast. I would tune in just to see Michael Shannon do anything. I think this show is one of the best HBO ever did. I know, there's a lot of hyperbole here!


I loved Boardwalk Empire even till the end. That show had a monumentally talented cast. I would tune in just to see Michael Shannon do anything. I think this show is one of the best HBO ever did. I know, there's a lot of hyperbole here!


I don't blame Boardwalk Empire because they asked for more episodes and HBO forced them to finish it in less episodes.


He said start off great. I could barely make it through the first episode.


Busom Buddies. That was THE SHIT in it's first season. But then when they let the cat out of the bag at the beginning of season two, it just went downhill after that. The whole premise of the show about men in drag was de-emphasized so it lost it's steam. Compound that with all the constant timeslot changes and it never made it past season two. 😞😞😞😞


The Walking Dead

For me, the first two Frank Darabont seasons were just incredible. I lost interest after they squeezed him out. The show sucked for me after season three.


I still like The Walking Dead overall and am looking forward to how they are going to defeat The Saviours after (spoiler) being stabbed in the back by the gargage people.

I do think Z nation is now starting to give it a run for it's money even though it is a tongue in cheek zombie show.



Nope. Still going as strong (as a Giant Cheese Wheel) and due to start up again for it's forth season in June.


Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. I absolutely loved the first three seasons, but after that...
Castle. Good god, that last season was so horrendously bad.

Honestly, if a show goes on long enough, it just gets worse and worse. These days I have the tendency of just sitting it out till the end when I would've given up a long time ago in the past.


Person of Interest I agree. When Shaw and Root were brought on as regular cast members that didn't help at all imo. And of course Carter was a very well liked character. When her character died the show took a big hit downhill.


I thought Root started off ok but then became tedious. It did go downhill after Carter was killed (but isn't she amazing in Hidden Figures and Empire).


I don't watch Empire. Hidden Figures is a movie I can't say enough about it. Many teachers have taken their students to see. It's a good movie with a good message.


Only one season so far, but I'm going to say Shannara Chronicles. The first few episodes weren't bad... but then the train sped up as it headed to a cliff and fell to its fiery death.

I think there's going to be a second season, but I have no idea how, since the next book in the series takes place the next generation, and they left the last episode of the show as a cliffhanger.


Yeah I started watching that one but got bored with it after a couple of episodes too. Don't know if I will ever get round to finishing watching it when there is so much else around still to see.


Did you get to the part where they fell into a perfectly preserved high school? Or that they watched a thousand year old tape? 🤣

I don't know what the writers/producers were thinking. So many dang plot-holes, and just ridiculous things happening. The book wasn't bad, but it was criticized for being a Lord of the Rings rip-off, and a lot of the other books in the series ended up being repetitive.


I can't even remember where I got up to in it. I watched a few episode hoping it would get better but I don't even remember much past the first episode really.


Yeah; I can see why you stopped. There were some good things about it, but there were so many things wrong with it.


I hate when they make bad things from books that are supposed to be good (not that I read the Shannara Chronicles).

Hoping that the BBC do a much better job of serialising His Dark Materials trilogy because Hollywood really fuxed up The Golden Compass.


What's the shannarra chronicles?


Same here (about poor book-to-movie/show adaptations)


I thought Heroes was great for the first season, but not so much after.


They should have just done a Hiro spinoff as that would have been good.


Heroes was the first show I thought of.


Basically the writers strike happened. It was around 2007-8 and that is just when the show was getting started. All the good writers went on strike and they got I guess, hack scab writers. Non union people....who knows. The writing went from really good to first draft crap. After that the show kinda was so messed up they tried to do time travel, but that's always a bad idea.....


Dexter, Simpsons, Family Guy, Family Matters, Roseanne, ER, Cosby Show, Seinfeld, although many had good ratings even in later years.


I think Seinfeld is kind of a weird case, though. I agree that the last season or two kind of lost its steam. Yet I think the last episode gets too bad of a rap from fans; even though it wasn't perfect, was fairly clever how they tried to have the show's concept/theme--doing nothing, in "a show about nothing"--and tried to bring back many memorable characters. It wasn't THAT bad.

But the thing to note about Seinfeld is that the show started off really bad, in my opinion, then became a masterpiece, then dropped off a bit. The last couple of seasons were not terrible and probably better than most shows at the time; they just weren't as memorable as those middle seasons.


I agree, the Seinfeld finale wasn't bad and it had many funny, memorable moments. It's true that the early seasons weren't great overall, but there were a few classic episodes, like The Statue, and The Library.


Season 9 was fantastic except for the finale, it didn't follow the usual script of a normal episode which is probably why not many people liked it. How I met your Mother was great for 8 seasons and then season 9 happened.


I agree in general. But in retrospect, I don't know how they would have pulled off any finale that would make fans happy. If they made just a "normal episode" it would have been even more of a letdown. Since it was the last episode, they had to be very ambitious. Or if they did something more like having Jerry and Elaine getting married, or having a main character killed, or something ridiculous like that, it would have just been lame, forced, and unrealistic.

I realize that most fans didn't ultimately like the finale, but I do give Seinfeld writers at least a bit of credit for working the main concept of "doing nothing" into it while also bringing back some of the old storylines and characters.


Seinfeld definitely turned into a bit of a live action Simpsons show it's final seasons, but they were so hilarious I don't care.
