MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > people whose films you refuse to watch ?

people whose films you refuse to watch ?

Woody Allen abused his daughter
Brando abused his daughter
jeff bridges supports hillary clinton
pierce brosnan supports polanski
terry Gilliam supports polanski
michael mann signed the polanski petition
ewan mcgregor supports polanski
Nicholson supports polanski
Polanski drugged and raped a child
Emma Stone supports woody allen
meryl streep supports polanski


I don't intentionally boycott movies or tv shows, but sometimes I'm so turned off by an actor/actress or the things they say or do, I just have no desire to watch anything they're in. Meryl Streep is one example. I always found her to be a mediocre and overrated actress, but her personality certainly doesn't help.


My sentiments exactly !
I'm actually relieved Alec Baldwin found newfound fame lampooning the POTUS on SNL. He's no longer the intrusive douche he was with his annoying credit card commercials on prime time tv.


I used to think Streep was mediocre and overrated. First thing I saw her in was The Deerhunter (excellent film, but I was underwhelmed by her performance). Couldn't understand why she got so much acclaim for it, and stayed away from her other films.

Years later, I finally saw Sophie's Choice. Great film, and she was superb in it! Have you seen it?


Yes, I have seen the movie, but it's honestly one of the reasons I dislike her. A melodramatic performance plus silly accent, something she would repeat several times in her career.


I agree her accent could have been better, but overall it worked for me. Given the story line of her character, I don't think her performance was melodramatic.


I liked her in The River Wild. I didn't like her in The Manchurian Candidate, which could be interpreted as a testament to her acting ability.


None because I'm not a thin-skinned crybaby that gets butthurt over an actors personal beliefs or private life.


Those with no talent.


Agreed. No movies with Shia Labeouf, Nick Cage, John Cena, or Will Smith


shia told the truth about spielberg

pedo supporter Harrison Ford didn't like that



he said crystal skull let the fans down


If he cared that much about it, he wouldn't have starred in it, considering he was the worst part of it.


the worst part of it

1 the aliens
2 the monkey swinging
3 ray winstone wasted
4 john hurt wasted
5 no connery cameo


Oh, here is a good one, Jon Voight. I even was an extra in one of his movies. His thing was that the minimum wage should not be raised or whatever. When I was an extra on one of his movies, it was the only one where I was not paid time and a half for my hours (usually after 8). So, after that, I stopped watching and/or wanting to be in any films of his.


so you hate him because he supports Trump


No. Boycotting, because of his support for minimum wage stagnancy, would not be attributed to one person. It is a belief held by many people, who can be on both sides of the political spectrum. But being that I was in one of his movies and I was paid no overtime for what the FSLA initially states as "time and a half after 8 hours" and his production not following that, is what makes me boycott him.

Every movie that is made has ethics to include overtime pay after 8 hours (they do not actually have to); but majority of them do. The only law that has to be fulfilled is to pay at least minimum wage for all hours worked. Then again, we all know the minimum wage has not been raised for years and other prices are starting to climb. There is an obvious discrepancy that is being overlooked. So because the ethics are not inline with what the rest of the industry is doing, I am boycotting his movies.

What surprised me is in Georgia, where the movie industry is starting to become big, even they are paying their extras overtime after 8 hours. The funny thing is, there is no Union there, so they should not have to. Even more surprising is that Georgia does not have an actual minimum wage and so then, it would actually have to go off the federal, $7.25. Still, you will find that they still pay $64/8 and overtime, if you ever consider doing extra work down there.

$64/8 use to be off CA old minimum wage in 2012. That is why it is $8/hr. and overtime would be 1.5x that (in case you were wondering) what that meant.


of course casey affleck and his despicable gang (brother and best buddy).


Woody did not abuse his daughter.
He was not married with Mia Farrow, and Soon-Yi Previn was not his daughter.
Though I agree with you on most stuff related to Polansky, that guy is a criminal
and the proof was irrefutable.
I will not watch anything with Kelsey Grammer, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, or
Steve Martin or any other right wing actor. To think they make all that money
and fame with no effort and are still right wing ... those people make me sick.
But since you are so full of misinformation I will refuse to participate in your
nonsense here by putting you on ignore.


he abused his daughter Dylan
