MovieChat Forums > db20db

db20db (16568)


This movie... Underrated "Another one bites the dust..." (Spoiler) "And here's a happy little tree..." Stir of Echoes Remembering Christina Grimmie.... View all posts >


"...I'm done with you. " Good! The fewer we have of your spastic rants, the better this site is. 4. Them (2021) Oh yeah! My day started with a tall glass of ice water before anything else. Plus, I've been gradually stocking up on this for weeks, which is touted as superior hydration. Predicted high for today is 104. With 80% humidity, it will feel at least like 110. Oppressive! The last record high for this time of the year was 107 in 1937. Three days ago was the official beginning of summer. I guess today will be the official beginning of daily cold showers for me. 😅 You'll never see anything like this with senile, stammering, stumbling and bumbling Biden. "...I guess the youth likes Trump..." 6. Interesting coincidence that this thread topic would appear right after I decide to do a rewatch of this thriller with a unique premise. Only one of the three survives. From my main account:,cognitive%20development%20and%20personal%20growth.👍😄 Another lyric that stands out in my mind from that song, "...girls will be boys and boys will be's a mixed up world..." I'll never forget the first time I met a transvestite as a teenager. It was in the red light district of a military town where my underage buddies and I used to go to buy booze during the weekends. All of a sudden one night, we encountered this tall black guy on a sidewalk, dressed like a female prostitute, but with a very deep male voice. I was mesmerized, frozen. A few years later, this song became popular: What immediately caught my attention when I heard it was this lyric...." Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand...why she walked like a woman but talked like a man..." "People like you who encourage others to dislike people are part of the problem in this world." That's punk ass joes in a nutshell. He's had an ongoing smear campaign against me for years now because I called him out as an attention whore. And he arrived on this site announcing how he hates people. You're not very perceptive when it comes to reading people. And just a couple of days ago, in another thread, you tried to excuse your hatred of people and sunshine to your being, "a night owl." Contradict yourself much? 🙄 View all replies >