MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst Mainstream Actors?

Worst Mainstream Actors?

Who are some of the worst mainstream actors and actresses that keep landing big roles despite their utter lack of talent?

The biggest culprit for me is Marion Cotillard. Somehow she keeps landing lead female roles across the biggest actors (Leo, Pitt), but she's very one dimensional and completely unattractive.

Dominic Purcell (from Prison Break) is also up there on my list. He's like a big brain dead gorilla that yells and screams over everything.


Keanu Reeves - The guy is super likable, but give him an accent and watch him suck.

Jessica Alba - Just... no.


Jessica Alba is the early '00s version of Jennifer Lawrence.


As much as I dislike Jennifer Lawrence, she is a better actress than Alba.


I'll go with Mickey Rooney on this one.


Tom Cruise.


Forrest Whitaker
Ben Affleck
Chris Evans
