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What Bothers You Most About the Movie Industry?

Emphasis on stupid movies, lack of attention to great movies, certain cliches, anything you want... Curious to read your responses.


Too many weak, shallow films


How Hollywood treats its viewers like f*king idiots.

Here's the thinking:

Feminism is a thing - let's do a few shitty movies that have women in them, but don't represent feminism = money.
Superheroes are in - let's do every superhero we have the rights to do in anyway we please, with absolutely no respect for the source material and by casting a few himbos and one lone bimbo = money.
Let's make all young adult books into movies = money.
Everything gets a remake! You get a remake! And you! = money
Oh, no, they've noticed we rarely diversify our actors - quick, chuck an Asian actor in there, or Idris Elba in here, or you know who would be good? That Viola Davis chick, put her in it for five seconds = money.

You get the gist - and I have nothing against films making money. It's the fact that we the viewers get treated like we will literally love and watch and invest in everything and anything that Hollywood says is good, because of all these stupid and obvious tactics to lure us in. We know you're ageist, racist, and sexist, Hollywood. Instead of pretending you're not, just change. Maybe then we'd actually pay for the movies you make.


Your last sentence is at ends with the rest of the argument you pose. People are still giving into this and they ARE making money on it.

Their movies are primarily satirical representations of current events or social events. It is almost like they are all documentaries, just not live.


I agree to an extent, people are still willing to dump their money into seeing movies - but I think piracy and the sale of DVDs etc. - that whole landscape would look entirely different if people who paid to see the films when they came out actually enjoyed them. We all still go to see movies on that thread of hope that things will change - but when they don't, that's as far as the money goes. And I know it's a lot of money - but I can see in the not too distant future, when ticket prices skyrocket and become unfeasible, then that will be the end of the industry.


Do you really think that? Because even if a movie was good, I am thinking about the cheapest way I can see it, that is if I even want to see it. The internet completely destroyed the movie industry, completely destroyed how we do business, and completely destroyed how we all socialize.


I do think that - and I guess I'm in the minority of people who is not mad at the internet. Directors and actors were already getting paid too much and those amounts were going to rise regardless, and that was before the internet happened. If not for the internet, the movie industry might already be dead. Honestly, without piracy, how much would you be willing to pay for DVDs and/or movie tickets?

A lot of people assume that these things would be cheaper if not for the internet, but I've come to reconsider this. I think, given that actors, writers, and directors are constantly campaigning for more money, they'd still be paid the millions and billions they get now, and so the cost of DVDs and movie tickets would be exactly the same, if not more, given that piracy would not force them to set competitive prices.

Also, good movies are still being made, so it's not as though it's impossible to make them - don't know where the internet factors in here.

I would say it has changed the way we do business and socialize, for better or worse, but it hasn't destroyed it. We haven't stopped doing business or socializing.


For a movie ticket? $1

For a DVD? $0.50

I mean I just saw the movie and now I am buying it again? The value has to go down. I guess what you would be really asking is "how much money would you pay to allow the industry to make profit off the material that goes into making a DVD and the plastic box it is in?"


I think the assumption that films would be cheaper to buy and see in theaters if there were no piracy is unlikely. I don't know why people actually think this would be the price. If the internet ceased to exist today, do you think DVD prices and movie ticket prices would go down? I personally do not. Movies tickets were not $1 when I was a kid - given the money that goes into movies, why would they be this much nowadays?


Okay fine, it would be more in tune to the cost of living. If money was fairly distributed in a perfect pyramid format and everyone was paid their worth, down to the extras on minimum wage day rates; I would assume it to be more in tune to the cost of living.

If the internet did not exist, I would think more people would probably be seeing these movies. Internet occupies A LOT of time and I think it even occupies more time than cable now days. Internet, at least now, and as a witness, it is about second up in price to cable. I had to cut my cable and so that is how I know.

Back in the day, the move industry flourished because the U.S. was in distress from WWII, there had to be some entertainment to get by. The demand is based on what people actually do for their hobbies or interests.


I agree that the internet occupies a lot of time, more time than what is spent on watching TV. But I think if there were no internet, then more money and effort would be going into making TV, which is weird given how much is going into it now. But I do remember being a lot more invested in what was on TV as a kid when the internet wasn't a big deal.

And if that were the case, TV networks would be struggling more than they are currently - in other words, I think the divide in who can watch "good" TV and who can't afford it would be far greater than now, and that's saying something.

Also, by your logic, seeing as how we are far from the days of distress caused by WWII, there's less of a need for entertainment to get by on. So the movie industry should have died by now.


It should have and I am surprised it has not. Then again, I directly work with many productions and so if it died, I would be at a loss of a hobby. :/


Great argument, but it's hard to know what prevents a sale, etc...

For example, when I was 18, I might have downloaded a few songs, but because of that, I ended up spending 50x that amount going to concerts, and other related stuff.


That is because you are easily manipulated.


It's because I wanted to see my favorite bands make music right in front of my eyes. I don't equate dollars with an experience.


I definitely think your experience is universal. I remember parents going into shops to buy their kids the explicit versions of Eminen albums. How many parents are willing to spend money on music for their kids - or even willing to let them listen to certain music nowadays unless they deem that singer PC?


Seems like there is a definite lack of decent movies these days - mostly garbage


The profanity! Every other word is the f-bomb! If it was deleted there wouldnā€™t be any dialogue left; just bleep, bleep, bleep!


I think youre fucking overstating the issue bro



:( sorry dont go
Youre so much fun...


There are things that can be done to fix the movie industry... but first we should start with ourselves...

Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.


I agree 100% man...
Now lets blow some shit up and have a car chase
Problem solved!!!


Cinematic Universe. Just make a good movie, if it works out then go on from there.


Seriously though... one way we can support the art that we like is to buy the movies we like to watch and to try to watch more of the kind of movies we want to see in theatres...

I have a stack of blu rays of movies I like (all genres)... I also rent a lot of these kinds of movies on Apple TV and try to watch the smaller release movies in theatre...

I spend money on the stuff I like... it's the only language production companies understand... For every mindless blockbuster, I have probably seen 5 other smaller, more adult oriented or artistic movies (old & new)...

Wes Anderson still gets to make movies because there are enough of us who will watch them in theatre, or buy the disc or rent it online...


Sexual predators, rampant Liberalism, WAY too much CGI, WAY too many mindless car chases and explosions, and lots of really stupid movies. That enough?



Definitely WAY too much CGI, WAY too many mindless car chases and explosions, and lots of really stupid movies.



