MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Absurd censoring of comments on Movie Ch...

Absurd censoring of comments on Movie Chat

Someone made a joke referring to themselves as "The Jerk"(1979) and I tried to respond with a sarcastic quip, "I knew you were a jerk. ;)", but that comment is not allowed("Uh oh! Your post appears to violate the MovieChat Community Standards. Please consider rephrasing your post and try again").
Censoring does more harm than good and this is excessive to the point of absurdity.
Am I going to have to find a different forum that actually allows normal conversation?
Even if it was a serious remark and I really was calling him a jerk, that is hardly something that should be censored.
Do jerks get a free pass now?
Sarcasm and humor are now vastly limited to ensure no one gets their feelers hurt?
Is this site a safe space?


I don't get it. I can't remember when, but I believe that I called someone a jerk, or I referred to someone as one at some point. I was never banned from any board.
Why would Movie Chat have such a problem with jerks when they have a much BIGGER problem with TROLLS?
Carry on, Movie Chat!

Carry on, ARVIN!


He really gets to you, doesn't he? He can be a pompous jerk, but I did give him slack in the beginning. I had some empathy for him when he and I were first replying to each other. He was having difficulty finding steady work, but the woe is me started to grate on me. He argues over everything and will not give an inch. Being humble is foreign to him. Like you, I think I'm going to quit responding to him.


I think it's best. He enjoys getting people mad.



Carry ON!


<< Censoring does more harm than good and this is excessive to the point of absurdity. >>

Think of it as editing, rather than censoring. Like a literary magazine might do.

People who don't want their posts struck might consider writing better posts (?)


"People who don't want their posts struck might consider writing better posts (?)"

Or denounce their god and take up the new one being offered to them...

I've nothing against anyone here but please be careful when you consider censoring people or asking them to censor themselves.

I've had many talk with people on IMDb who were dyslexic, didn't have English as their first language and/or were from other cultures. It's hard to encapsulate all of that into a standard and moreover- should we ever want to?

I've had two "Official" warnings here each for defending myself for being attacked.

Self defence does not make the coppers who weren't there at the time to show up be able to jail all parties when they are the ones deleting the evidence.

I like MC and wish it a long life, it needs to loosen up though and perhaps allow the communities to police themselves (Trolls and all) as innocents getting caught in the crossfire goes against the whole ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat principle.

Perhaps some mea culpa reflection is required when it comes to how MC is moderated.


The best of both world would be a switch on the profile page to determine whether the user want foul language censored or not. If yes then the user also cannot post blacklisted words themselves. It's only fair.


There are many options.

However MC decides to go I'm sure some will like it and others won't.

Just to be careful in how they use these formative months/years is important I'd say.

Many discussion sites have disappeared over the years and I don't want this to be one of them.


Yes. This is after all message boards for all movies (i.e., not just children movies) which themselves often contain foul languages even on the titles.

I myself almost never use curse words except maybe for some tame ones. However, I'm okay with anyone else doing it. It doesn't actually matter anyway.

The problem is not the language but the poster's trollish behaviour... Name calling, petty arguments, and tendency to argue about everything even the ones that aren't related to the discussion like grammar and over nitpicking of small details.

I love MC and I post here even more than when I was in IMDb board. But when I got a warning for violation of community guidelines because I post the word "shut" in "Eyes Wide Shut," a legit movie title, I died a little. This is an unwise move by MovieChat.


I got warned because i use to many emojis and for not talking too much( my phrases are too short),so i'm not surprised...on other sites i don't get warned for this...weird😉


The censoring of posters in good faith proper versus the making trend curious movie and TV titles for lulz posters shows that it is indeed the wrong type who are moderating here.

That's not to say they can't be readjusted and educated upon how to moderate more moderately but seeing genuinely nice people "Die a little" over discussing things relevant to our collective hobby is very disturbing.


Language filters are utterly useless. People will just write kunt, fvck, a$$-hole, n1gga etc...

Why bother? Just completely useless.


Ikr. It only bothers real users and doesn't even affect trolls' ability to... well, troll.


So don't use the word "shut" in our posts??


<< So don't use the word "shut" in our posts?? >>

So it is written.

ACTUALLY, I admit I don't understand the part below. In fact, I don't understand the conflict. In general, though, in my experience, well-thought-out posts that contribute to a discussion don't get struck.

<< I got a warning for violation of community guidelines because I post the word "shut" in "Eyes Wide Shut," a legit movie title. >>

What did the warning say, and what was the guideline this post violated?

EDIT: I see more discussion in another thread. Well...I guess some tiny posts sometimes trigger the filter. Basically, flies get swatted. If it's upsetting, I would suggest people do longer posts that express a bit more depth (?)


Gratz on post 69 in this thread!


I don't understand. There are something like 18 posts in this thread (?)


Your post in this thread was the 69th post. 69 can be used as a sexual term regarding a certain sexual position but it seemingly isn't under censorship (Yet!).


My view shows it was 17th. I only see 1 page of comments.


You must have somebody blocked then because this is comment #75.


Hmmm. I don't remember blocking anyone. Certainly not scores of people that would add up to 60+ posts!


You only need to block one person. Then all the comments that branch off of that one person will be invisible to you.


Thanks. Now I'm really curious as to who I blocked (probably in error.) Where do I see a list of my violators, as it were?


There still is no list of the people we block yet. What you can do though is open up the board while signed out and you'll be able to see all the posts. Give it a try then you will remember who you blocked (if anybody lol. With the glitches on this site, who knows, maybe you didn't block anybody lol).


78 replies now including this one.

You should be able to see it stating so at the top of this page if you catch it before another succeeds it:


Your post in this thread was the 69th post. 69 can be used as a sexual term regarding a certain sexual position but it seemingly isn't under censorship (Yet!).

WANBA BET?! Try typing just 69. I just tried and got the warning. Dumb bulllshitt!!






Wouldn't go through for me the first two tries.


Perhaps they're just ironing out the kinks from the Club Penguin word filter list they found after Disney shut that site down.

Give it time?




It said:

"Uh oh! Your post appears to violate the MovieChat Community Standards. Please consider rephrasing your post and try again."

It went against nothing. This is Jim's first foray into making a website by scratch. So I guess he's still learning.


Right. Looking at the bigger pic, I wouldn't call that "censorship"...I'd call it a kink that needs to be worked out.

This seems like a tempest in a teapot : )


Word filters are useless...



In discussion a month or so ago, it seemed profanity was a case-by-case thing. If it wasn't just vomited out over and over to shock or denigrate, it was fine.

That's changed?


All this nonsense started 2 days ago. This really is going to make people get fed up and not frequent this site anymore.


If they're smart and worthy, they'll adapt, I'd think.


We'll see. It's even getting me frustrated to the point to where I just close it out then come back later. But I'll give it time though, wait for some of these silly kinks to be straightened out.


Write Jim directly. Everyone needs to bring this to his attention individually, so he'll know it's a genuine problem


It is a problem, but it would probably be a problem anywhere in our PC mad snowflake culture. Hang it there, Baker.

