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'Hawaii Five-0' Loses Its Asian Stars, Reportedly Over Pay Dispute With CBS

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
Two of the longtime leads of “Hawaii Five-0” are reportedly leaving the show after seven seasons due to failed salary negotiations. Sources told Variety that Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park sought equal pay to Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan, and quit ... read full story on HuffPost


But I thought Hollyweird is just soooo progressive, and self righteous.


they should take the money and ride this series til the end - there is not exactly a huge demand for Asian actors in Hollywood even an attractive one like Grace Park. Both won't be heard from again.


That seems like practical advice. When you’re riding high on a wave of success with a certain production, it’s often difficult to ever achieve that same success again. If you look at some of the most successful shows in television history, you will often see that many, if not most of the actors that were in these shows never rivaled that level of success again. Seinfeld is a good example. Probably one of the most popular shows in television history, but none of the actors that were in it ever achieved that level of success again. The only one that did sort of okay was Julia Louis Dreyfuss, but nothing even close to Seinfeld.

It’s like quitting a high paying job because you feel that you are worth more, but don’t already have a higher paying job lined up. It’s a gamble.


Suzanne Somers Syndrome!
Part 1: Get a big head, ask for mo money, and never get another acting job.
Part 2: Make millions selling thighmasters.

So lets predict or invent some stupid gadget that these two actors can sell on infomercials.




Suzanne Somers actually lucked out more than most. She went on to star in that Step By Step show for several seasons. I don’t know how that show lasted several seasons. It was a blatant rip off of the Brady Bunch. Maybe because Cousin Oliver wasn’t in it 😀


ok I stand corrected she got other jobs but nothing as big and successful as Three's Company. And it went on many years after she hair flipped.
She was probably on the love boat or fantasy island a few times too. those shows were the 70's showcase for has-beens.


It’s all good PK, I totally got your point, and agree. If you look at her filmography, it’s rather sparse following Three’s company. It would be over a decade before her career would rebound. Apparently she had her own series for a few seasons titled “She’s the Sheriff,” that I’ve never even heard of? Farrah Fawcett pulled the same stunt, but didn’t recover from it as well as SS.

Speaking of Step By Step, I see that Brandon Call made the archives of washed up celebrities. Man, talk about being utterly shredded by the blog author, and in the comments section. You do not want to end up there!


Dreyfuss is the exception. Good points


Pragmatic though your answer may be, if everyone thought like this, nothing would ever change. It's a brave and worthy stand that they are taking in an industry that is very racist towards Asians.


I agree that Asian actors are treated terribly in Hollywood but I would still take the money


Grace and Daniel are unicorns in that they are Asian American actors who have been in two successful series for more than ten years in total. If they don't stand up for this issue... no one ever will.


You should read about a baseball player Curt Flood - he stood up to the baseball owners in the 1970s and opened up free agency. He never benefited personally and died broke in 1997. None of the future players who benefited from Flood's actions sent him any money.


One day Hollywood will realize that most of the world's population is Asian and if they cast Asians in even 5 to 10% of the lead roles (the percentage of Asian Americans) that they'd open up an enormous market for themselves. Even if one percent of China started watching an American show it would double their audience. For some reason, they kept the Asians in the Dark Ages and only recently have been casting them in normal non stereotypical roles.


Well, no worries... they are Asians. They can be doctors or lawyers in no time!


That's just silly, they have never been the main characters. The focus has always been on Caan and O'Loughlin. This one is not about race.


How is Grace Park "Asian"? She was born in L.A. and raised in Canada. Now she plays the Asian card when she wants more money? boo hoo She is a nominally talented actress with average looks. I don't see any Oscars in her future. Just take the frickin' money already.

Daniel Dae Kim is somewhat more talented. He rode the wave of Lost popularity onto a role in Hawaii Five-O. I think he'll do okay for himself. But he'd be well advised to remember the acting fates of people like David Caruso whose career tanked after walking off NYPD Blue. Luckily he found success by returning to TV with CSI: Miami.

In a weird coincidence, Jimmy Smits shot an arrow through his career by leaving LA Law, only to have success by returning to the small screen on the show Caruso abandoned, NYPD Blue.

Well, it's a free country. Actors have a right to ask for more money. They have a right to leave a job that isn't working out for them. But I have ZERO sympathy for these overpaid prima donnas. I live in a town where people struggle to make ends meet. There's virtually no business or industry here. You're lucky if you can FIND a job. As "horrible" as it is for Park and Kim, well too bad. They make more in one episode than most people make in two years.

So they are quitting? Aloha, hope Grace Park enjoys her new job at McDonalds.


Good riddance.


they should google Gary Burghoff


As someone who has never watched the show, does Grace Park send ample time strutting around in bikinis?
