MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Bloggers Wanted

Bloggers Wanted

Hey everyone,

If you haven't already noticed, we recently launched a blog: The MovieChat Blog features unique and original long-form content on the latest movies, TV shows and entertainment news.

We're looking to add a few experienced bloggers who will contribute one to three high quality articles per week. If you're interested, please send examples of your previous work(s) to

More info about the opportunity can be found here:

P.S.: Although it's been a while since I last posted, rest assured that the team has been working hard behind-the-scenes on running, optimizing and growing the site and community. Please help us spread the word about MovieChat by telling your friends, family, and personal networks.


Hi,jim...i take this oportunity to ask you something....i sent you an email a while ago,but didn't got any i'm complaining,though


The user Napsdufroid is harassing me. Are you going to stop him?


use the ignore function


Ignore doesn't stop him from spreading rumors. If he gets away with it with me then he will do it with other new members.


So much drama here! The soapbox is coming back...stay tuned.


Ignore ME! I just got another post notification from you on the IT board. When I checked, your post was deleted. Do me a favor and keep your promise to have nothing to do with me. That means, put me on IGNORE!

"I was done with you a long time ago. I've never really liked you."

fine and good. now leave me alone!


If this were reversed Miss Margo, barclays would be accusing you of forum stalking.


Oh, zero doubt of that


I didn't reply to you on the IT board. I replied to you in this thread. You're the one who said that you didn't like me first. That's why I told you that I never liked you either. So then you ignore me.


Leave me alone.


No problem. But I'm not placing you on ignore.


Put yourself on ignore, "barclays". Nice attempt at backpedaling.


"barclays" above:

"I didn't reply to you on the IT board"

From the IT board today, right after one of Margo's comments:

[–] Barclays (647) 4 hours ago

Guess that was an impersonator, huh, "barclays?" Do you ever tell the truth?


It thinks that if it deletes it's abusive posts before a mod sees them, then it can get away with anything.
I guess it remains to be seen if that is true or not.


Oh, we'll see for sure.


Actually Margo never said she didn't like you, "barclays." She just said she was done with you and that you're a hateful person, which is true -- only hateful people wish death on others. A quick review of her posts proves that.
Looks like you lied once again.


The user "barclays" wished me dead on here and has told several lies about me. And, if I'm not mistaken, call-out threads are against the rules, correct? Reported.

Are you going to stop "barclays?" If "she" gets away with it, then "she" will do it to other members.


Hi Jim! I have a great blogger for you! The poster is ecarle.
This person writes long and copious posts on classic movies and film stars..... especially Hitchcock films. Just check it out on the Rear Window board. I have often wondered if this person is posting or Blogging!
ecarle never comes here to General Discussion.
EDIT: I just posted your message to ecarle. I wanted this poster to know about this.


Margo, that's a great recommendation. I've read some of ecarle posts and they're always very insightful and interesting.


I agree! I just copied and pasted Jim's post and I posted it to ecarle on the Rear Window board. He may just be interested in this.


Yeah you should blog too Margo!


"I was done with you a long time ago. I've never really liked you. I think that you're a petty person"

Funny; you just said this about Margo yesterday....


"I was done with you a long time ago. I've never really liked you. I think that you're a petty person"

"Funny; you just said this about Margo yesterday...."

Isn't that strange? Barclays doesn't even like me! I wish this person would quit while they are ahead. Barclays really should stop posting to me!



Stonekeeper seems to be a good choice!



Hey Jim, how are you?
It's been a long time, are you still speaking to us?
We miss you x
Love Dazed


This is kind of sad. Here is a thread from our founder and benefactor. It may be nearly a year old, but you brought it out, dusted it off, and after only two of us posted, it's being buried again.
I was hoping that more folks would at least post a "Howdy!" Perhaps, a "It would sure be nice to meet you!"


Maybe he was hoping for regular reviewers, or contributors. Like SK or someone who reviews films and watches a lot. I don't know.
I could blog "My menopause diary" but I doubt if it would get many hits!


LOL! I've been through it. I'd rather not live that part of life over again, even vicariously!
The problem is, everyone pretty much discusses everything here.
I am happy to say that I do enjoy the individual boards more now. I actually get a bit of discussion going.
Sometimes not so much, but things are getting better. Even if I get no responses, I still don't mind talking with the ghosts. They give out great info!


Ahhhhhh... I see how that blogging thing works...
Not really much of a point in it. It gives you movies to click on to and then info about it. After that, you can comment.
Heck! You can do that on the individual boards.


I second that, Jim! Hope you are well and doing fine.
Stop in some time and let us know how things are going with you.
Thanks again for this site!
