MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I don't care how many people an actor ra...

I don't care how many people an actor raped/molested, I'm still watching their movies.

Can you really expect me to stop watching Se7en because Kevin Spacey is in it? If I'm in the mood for watching it then so be it. Do people who avoid watching things because of an actor's personal life really go: "Man, I really wanna watch Chinatown right now, but the director did some terrible stuff in his personal life so I'm never watching it again"? Why should David Fincher have to be affected because of what Spacey did?


What if Kevin Spacey raped/molested you? Would you stop watching his movies?


Just because you like a well done quality made movie doesn't mean your supporting an actor who happens to be in it.Why should the work and everyone else involved suffer for his mistakes.I'm in the process of rewatching Wiseguy for the first time in 20 years.I'm not gonna skip an entire story arc of a well made show just because Spacey happens to be in it.


I'm pretty sure I would, but he hasn't, so I'm not going to give up watching movies I really enjoy. But I do still think he's icky every time I see him.


I wouldn't watch it for simple fact I might be traumatized looking at his face because he assaulted me.


No one is wrong to watch these films. If you don’t want to that’s fine. If you do that’s fine as well over time some of the people that say they will not watch it will end up watching again. Spacey is a recent issue so the reaction is more intense now. It will change with time. You don’t have to love or like the person to enjoy the art.


History is full of artists who have done bad things and were not good human beings.

Doesn't change the way I feel about their creation.
Whether it be music, artwork, literature or movies.

Art is art. People are people.
It's different.


And oatmeal is oatmeal.



I'll still watch them, but won't pay for the privilege... I feel that if I pay for it, I'm enabling them.


What about if they murdered someone, and not in self defense or for any "justifiable" reasons either?


I'm old enough to remember the huge price hikes in beef back in the 70s, and someone had organized a sort of a boycott of beef for one day every week. My brother was going to a company function and I asked him if he was going to stay with the boycott and he said no as the meat was already bought and paid for and his not eating would have no affect (assuming it would anyway) on the price of meat.

If I don't pay to see Hollywood's offerings, it won't have any affect on their output or lifestyle.

I will no longer pay for Hollywood entertainment (other than the cut they get from my cable bill) because their morals are not in line with mine so I don't care what they do in their own time. O.J. is a murderer in my opinion yet I still watch the Police Squad movies when I'm in a silly mood.


I guess it's up to the individual.
Me? If I enjoy a movie I'm going to watch it. In most cases, I can set aside my feelings about someone's personal life. There are actors I just plain do not care to watch, and they can be the salt of the earth!
By the way, I like Se7en! I have no problem watching Spacey in it.
It's funny you should mention Chinatown. While I enjoy it, of all of Polanski's work, I like Rosemary's Baby better.


Also. Although I do agree that MOSTLY these stories ARE laible to be true, but what about some cases say, like in the case of late pop singer Michael Jackson, where rumours have never been in any way officially proven, how do and how should we feel then?

What about also a possibility that some actors etc have done this and that and anything similar (though I can understand why sexual abuse, in this day and age and otherwise, is a genuinely more sensitive issue with people than even murder let alone assault or beating or anything like that) but were NEVER suspected and discovered at all, as in, could there be a possibility that someone has done it and we just don't know or even remotely SUSPECT anything about it?


How should we feel? Even if it's just a rumor or hasn't been proven that a person has done something against the law?
Allow me to quote myself...... "I guess it's up to the individual."
Nobody should tell you or anyone else how they should feel.

You said something that I find odd.
"What about also a possibility that some actors etc have done this and that and anything similar (though I can understand why sexual abuse, in this day and age and otherwise, is a genuinely more sensitive issue with people than even murder let alone assault or beating or anything like that) but were NEVER suspected and discovered at all, as in, could there be a possibility that someone has done it and we just don't know or even remotely SUSPECT anything about it?"

If we don't know about an individual doing something wrong and nobody has come forward to report them for any wrong doing, we obviously have no reason to SUSPECT this person of anything. Why would we???


But then if its really up to the individual how they should feel, as long as they hopefully don't encourage injustice of such sort, then how come on the internet especially, many users tend to fight over such matters to prove how people must feel full stop, with constant conflicts, shaming etc, even if sadly in the long run, it doesn't achieve anything, and the original guilty offenders still often just get away with it.


LOL! Ah, the internet! People gathering together to argue their points! It's the favorite international pass time.
I do enjoy a good exchange of ideas and even sometimes, I change my original position after thinking about what others have to say on sites like this.
Arguing and trying to bully people is something I struggle with. I am no different than many. There are people who rub me the wrong way. I argue. It's stupid! As you say, " sadly in the long run, it doesn't achieve anything"
We all need to remind ourselves of that from time to time.


I've been involved several times even here along those lines and many times elsewhere, including this site's legendary distant brother - IMDb, and so have several other people, some that are much more intelligent than I am, however, came out fine no matter WHICH point they were trying to make here or there.

Sometimes its all about battles of FORM and CONTENT, but to many people its the same, even if the original content issue is still far more prevalent, but just like we can't fight evil with more evil, we cannot fight ignorance with ignorance either, right?

I once made a point about perceptive differences in humanity and someone jumped straight at me saying - it was an insult to victims of original deed and talked about - oh, what if the person was unattractive or if it was a man doing it to another man instead, all valid points yes, but then again, I sometimes wondered about OTHER aspects of related things too, besides in films, they sometimes even showed other sides and even said that even if it WAS like that, and that can be fantasies to some men at least, it wouldn't be nice either, ahh, but then you wonder about punishments and ATTITUDE APPROACHES and its oh well, world is not that simple etc, point being, we shouldn't get in too much trouble from civilized people for attempting to QUESTION things either.

Then again, I was raised myself since child birth and my parents and grand parents ESPECIALLY were very serious about morality and right and wrong. My 78 year old grandmother from Russia still is - but then again, I don't want to bother her too much with various questions even if I may disagree on SOME aspects of certain things or happen to KNOW better in some areas due to more research done. She's still a nice elderly person, yes, but she approaches life differently to how I do it.



This is a tough one. I guess it all depends on the situation. If one has been charged and found guilty that usually plays a part with how I feel. I won't watch Clownhouse again, but since there have been no further allegations against Salva I will watch other films of his. I'm torn on Polanski, as that case is messed up, but for the most part there are too many other people that work on these projects that get pay cheques for me to justify boycotts.


If all the closets were thrown open, nobody could watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, or take mail from the mailman every again. Everybody is terrible one way or another at one point in their life.


In formal art criticism, it's called the original fallacy, meaning that the origin of the art work effects our appreciation and enjoyment if it. It is a fallacy because it is false. For example, I enjoy the works of Roman Polanski, most notably Rosemary's Baby and The Ninth Gate. His sex life is irrelevant to my enjoyment of his films about Satan, who, you must admit, is the king of antagonists. I enjoy Wagner's operas and symphonies, although they were embraced by Hitler, because Richard Wagner had no control over who would embrace him, and because his music is a testament to my Norse heritage.
