MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Has anyone seen Beyond the Walls (Au-del...

Has anyone seen Beyond the Walls (Au-delà des murs) ?

I have asked about this on the movie page, I need to know, and I believe here as well. I am just curious if anyone has seen it and if so, please let me know as I have a question about it.


sounds like another one of those people living in the walls shows


It's a mini series that was on French tv. I'm not sure I'd say that it's really people in the walls per se, it's kinda difficult to explain. I watched it on Shudder, which I don't have anymore so I can't re watch it to see if it does answer my question.


The short answer would be no. However, it's only rated 7.1 on IMDB so it seems that I didn't miss much.

Did you enjoy it?



I did like it, but I can see why some people wouldn't have liked it as much. There isn't a lot of action, so if movies that rely more on atmosphere and quiet tension aren't your cup of tea, I'd skip it.


I love atmosphere and quiet tension, but it's not rated very high, and it's in French.



I really don't consider a 7.1 a bad rating. It's not great, but certainly not bad. There aren't really enough ratings to really know what people thought. Besides IMDB ratings aren't really reliable. But that being said, if you don't do subtitles or speak French, then probably not for you.


Is it horror? I love horror.


I would say it's akin to Pan's Labyrinth type horror. Kinda horror/fantasy maybe?


Yes, I looked it up. Not my cup of tea. Don't like fantasy anything.
