MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Caddyshack remake

Caddyshack remake

Really surprised they never thought of making a Caddyshack remake or haven't made one because I think that would be a classic trying to think who would play Chevy Chase the judge Rodney Dangerfield's characters


Ryan Reynolds = Chevy Chase character


Im not a remake hater and ive certainly enjoyed some of them but it would be nice if they left Caddyshack alone

As to replacing Rodney that is simply impossible.

We will never see another like him


While I agree remakes should be discouraged on general principle I do think someone like John C Reilly would be an interesting, possibly even amusing, update of the Rodney Dangerfield character. But, of course, you're right: replacing Dangerfield is like replacing Charlie Chaplin or Groucho Marx -- it's not going to happen.


I like Reilly a great deal
He was fabulous in The Aviator and hilarious in his various silly roles...
A charismatic guy for sure

Yeah, Dangerfield is just special to me...hard to explain
I remember a lot of dads and uncles in my childhood neighborhood that had the same put-upon, downtrodden, 'hide some booze in the garage when the family is around' demeanor as Rodney but he could express that feeling so well...
Almost like he was a regular schlub but wittier
RIP Rodney D


No, no, no! Leave a classic alone.



I would just like to say that I can't stand posts like this, lol. A classic movie is a classic movie for a reason. It holds up well and should be left alone. It drives me nuts that people want to remake all of these great classic movies instead of coming up with something new and original. It's just the mindset of the generation I guess.


1st of all Caddyshack original cast was horrible imagine will ferrel and O'Reilly playing in this won instead of those buffoon's of old


I don't have any problems with remakes if they're good, but Will Farrel is patently unfunny and ruins everything he appears in or ever will appear in. Try someone else..

Oh BTW; stay in school...




Guka puka nerd LMAO


"Guka puka nerd"??



Gintu fucha maluka gunga


You clearly don't know shit.


The reason for the talk of remaking Caddyshack is the portrayal of Wang is now deemed "culturally insensitive".


There's no such thing as culturally-sensitive humor that is actually funny. "Funny" can't walk on eggshells.
