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Movies you want to like but

No matter how hard you try, how many viewings, how predisposed you are for enjoyment, you just can't bring yourself to enjoy

The one that's been haunting me for several years now, and I keep trying and failing to like is Inherent Vice 2014

I love Paul Thomas Anderson, literally every one of his films (at one point I loathed Magnolia but came around to it) have done me just right, except this one. I love the cast, the cinematography, the writing, but as a whole package I always feel about a half hour in that I wish everybody would die and it would end. I can't enjoy it.

Anybody have a movie like this? Anyone feel differently about mine and can sell me on it?


Once Upon a Time in America. Everyone I know loves this movie. I like the actors.

I watched it twice and just didn't get it. There were a couple of very good scenes, but overall I found it boring and nothing like the masterpiece that a lot of people believe it to be.


Good pick, I have a hard time with that one too, I do like it, but not as much as I should given all the players, Once Upon a Time in the West and the Man with No Name Trilogy are way better


I missed Inherent Vice but I agree Magnolia was a tough one to get through. A lot of excellent performances, but a little too much emotional agony going on for my tastes.

I liked the other PTA films that I've seen quite a bit - Hard Eight, Boogie Nights (my favorite of his) and There Will Be Blood. The Master is on my list to watch.


I love The Master, I know people who hate it. I believe the Once Upon a Time in America I watched was the directors cut, and it make me very sleepy


I was transfixed watching OUTiAmerica, I thought the rape scenes were really intense, especially the first time through, because they were so out of the blue. Its turned into one of my favorites and I wish Leone weren't dead and could put out the original 6 hour version he wanted but could never get released in his time.

I feel the way you originally did about Magnolia but you saying you came around to it gives me pause to try and give it another shot.


Magnolia took some viewings for sure, and do like it a lot now. I can't seem to recreate that process with Inherent Vice, but I seem to keep trying



Yes, If see the American theater version it was butchered.
It made absolutely no sense.

Stick to the original version or better yet the DC.



Yes I am.

It's only 20 minutes longer or so and not a deal breaker but if you're going to watch
it and it's only 20 minutes then why not see it the closer to the way Leone intended.


I'm not sure. It was pretty long, but I imagine they all are, so that probably doesn't help.

Three people who are very close to me and with whom I almost always agree on movies are huge fans of it and it has a great critical reputation, so I would give it a watch. I hope you do enjoy it. Please be sure to come back and tell me I'm crazy for not liking it. 🙃




I don't know about a masterpiece but it is one of my favorites.


Yep, I'm clearly the odd man out on this one.


Hey, everybody has those movies.
I know I have more than most.

I know you well enough to know your good taste so we'll just mark this up
to some unfortunate paranormal psychosis thing that happens to you.
You know, the one that affects your sanity. 😜


That's been gone for years my friend.


I already knew that. didn't I.


Of course. You're too perceptive to miss it, but too polite to mention it.



I have tried this one too and man do I ever have a hard time liking it. Great example


I'm horrible at second chances with movies. If I don't like it I usually never try it again.
I'm sure there are some but I can't think of any.

There was a Harrison Ford movie called Frantic back in the 80's I think.
I did try to watch this a second time and still didn't like it.
I don't think it was a very good movie to begin with but for some reason I felt
like I should like it.


Some of my now favorites I used to strongly dislike. The prime example is 2001 A Space Odyssey. The first time I watched it I hated it, thought it was so boring and wasn't really about anything. I got into other K-man movies and gave it another try, second time still wasn't love, but the shell was cracked and I could see it wasn't so easily dismissed after just a viewing, or 2. After the 3rd time was when I realized it was one of my favorite films, and every time I watch it I like it more and more. That was probably 15 years ago and it has informed my movie viewing experiences ever since. Magnolia was similar, I downright hated it maybe the first 2 times, but I really enjoy it now. Second chances are huge for me with films, I daresay I give movies more chances than people, and they've paid off more.


I'm sure there are movies I would like if I gave them another chance.
I just don't like to take the chance. There's enough movies out there I haven't seen yet that I'd rather
watch those or ones I know I like.

I hate to say I've never seen Magnolia.

I would love everything about that movie except for Cruise.
I've never given it a chance.
I can like movies with actors that I don't like but for whatever reason this isn't one I've even tried.
The rest of the cast is stellar.


It's easily Cruise's best performance


That's not going too out on the ledge is it. lol


I would see it and then decide, I'm definitely not the only person to say that


He has some pretty excellent performances, though they're broken up by many years and his weird personal life, he's very good in A Few Good Men, and maybe not a masterpiece, but him as Lestat is super entertaining


I watched this for the first time a few months ago and the plot was a bit far fetched.


I've seen it twice and the only thing I can remember about this is
somebody running around on a rooftops with those stone roofs.
I'm not even sure that's accurate.


I did just watch Inherent Vice again, probably the first time I've really watched it all and my opinion is unchanged, not everything deserves its second chance but certain movies keep calling me back


I've tried Citizen Kane about six times now and cannot get through it.


I've seen it all the way through and still don't get why it's supposedly so brilliant. There was some outstanding and innovative camera work, to be sure -- one continuous shot in particular. But when it came to plot and the supposedly great reveal, really?! THAT was it?

For me, part of me wants to like and appreciate 2001, but I just don't.


Citizen Kane has some of the most beautiful cinematography and Wells' performance is so captivating, but I can see how it may be a tad too deliberately paced for some. I never hung my enjoyment on the reveal, I was just like oh yeah I guess, but I love the movie overall.


Wells' performance didn't captivate me, I'm sorry to say. He was good, just not great IMHO. But I will agree that the cinematography was beautiful, and innovative.

It wasn't the deliberate pace that bothered me. It was the lack of substance in the plot, most of which was driven by who (or what) was Rosebud. So the reveal fell very flat with me.


I saw it once, understood and appreciated the achievements in filming technique etc...
But i have no desire to revisit it


Lawrence of Arabia





I can't put my finger on why I don't like it but I've tried a few times when it's on tv and I always ended up changing the channel and not coming back. Odd thing is, I did watch part two of a tv version of Titanic with Catherine Zeta Jones all the way through one Sunday afternoon.


I like a lot of Titanic stuff, the big one, the TV one, even Titanic Blood and Steel, which is not accurate at all but is entertaining. Cameron's really needs a continuous watch through, but even then a lot of people don't like it. Perhaps not your bag, man


A good number of people rag on Cameron's Titanic, and I do think the praise heaped on it is a bit over the top. That said, I thought it was an excellent film, a lot of that due to the impressive special effects making the event so real. Sets too, obviously. A lot of work must have gone into the making of it, and it showed.


The Thing,I love horror but just didn't like it.


Oh the Thing! I really should love it more than I do. All the elements are there. I am so with you on this one


Glad you agree


The Indiana Jones movies. I really like the idea, but there are just way too many annoying things about those movies. I liked The Mummy much better. I actually enjoyed the Young Indiana Jones series more!


I always liked Temple of Doom the best and everybody thought I was crazy. Young Indy is certainly underappreciated


sort of a tune-in, tune-out affair when they used to air these on TV (rarely shown these days.)
