MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you want to like but

Movies you want to like but

No matter how hard you try, how many viewings, how predisposed you are for enjoyment, you just can't bring yourself to enjoy

The one that's been haunting me for several years now, and I keep trying and failing to like is Inherent Vice 2014

I love Paul Thomas Anderson, literally every one of his films (at one point I loathed Magnolia but came around to it) have done me just right, except this one. I love the cast, the cinematography, the writing, but as a whole package I always feel about a half hour in that I wish everybody would die and it would end. I can't enjoy it.

Anybody have a movie like this? Anyone feel differently about mine and can sell me on it?


I'm a casual viewer of the star wars movies, but I don't get the insane hype for these. They're above average, but not as good as they'll have you believe. I'll always go see them in the cinema (probably the only way I'll maintain attention on these) and do so because the sound effects can only really be appreciated with surround sound.

I never got all the hype for movies like 12 monkies, fight club, tarentino movies, etc. What they provoke in people is amazing, but not in me.
