MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Netflix previews giving away plot twists...

Netflix previews giving away plot twists.

I hate those previews that start automatically when you browse Netflix. Not only do they often feature weird music that's not actually from the movie (but rather something that attempts to imitate the soundtrack), but they also spoils some movies.

I was looking for a sci-fi movie I could watch and stopped on "Orbiter 9". It seemed interesting and just when I was about to launch it, the preview gave away a big twist. What the hell Netflix?


That's pretty annoying.


Netflix is focused on their TV shows, they really don't care much for movies and therefore come up with silly ideas like this...


This reminds me of the biggest wtf-dude spoiler in history, for the original Planet of the Apes [spoiler]all the movie posters had a big picture of the Statue of Liberty buried in the dude!!!![/spoiler]


This has been fairly standard for previews and trailers for a long time. I watched a show on Netflix where the credit sequence starting with Ep1 shows a primary cast member being a villain, but this doesn't happen till the latter part of the series so when he transitioned to the villain there was no surprise involved.


I'd say it's more difficult these days to find a trailer that doesn't give away key plot points.
