MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you turn your mind off?

How do you turn your mind off?

Sometimes I have issues not thinking about work when all I really want to be doing is nothing. Absolutely nothing. What works for you? What methods do you use to tune everything out and just relax?


I sit in the bath for hours reading. Top up the hot water with the big toe.




Try this: inhale slowly through your nose to the count of four, then hold your breath to the count of four, then exhale through your mouth. Do this about ten times. Very relaxing. Also, try this: Starting with your toes say, "my toes are very very relaxed, and work your way up arches, ankles, heels, calves, knees, thighs, etc. to your scalp. Hope this works, it works for me.


i'll try this too, thanks for the tips :)


I listen to mellow music
I read a book
If these do not work , I take a pill , if my fragile mind can take it


For me it's always music.
I listen to music 12 hours a day at least.
It's always been relaxing and my escape from everything.
