Hey Mod4!

Do you know where I could get a fake passport or exam certificates of some fake ID's?
This is a joke of course.
I'm making this clear since you judge a post on content not intent, and you asked me to be clear as to when I'm joking.
"If you intend to post something as a joke, then state afterwards that it is a joke. We judge posts on content, not intention. "
However, since you were the one who responded to the report myself and others made on that post
"Yes I deleted those posts and thank you for reporting the spammer. "
You must have realised that the intent or content of my post was comical.

I know you think that my being outraged at receiving a warning for making a harmless joke about these spammers was... Making " a big deal of it" And you re-issued my warning after rescinding it.

And that
"If you joked about raping someone or murdering someone (both illegal) because someone else did then that would be ok in your eyes also?"
Yet a joke about rape was on the board for nearly 24 hours, sexual innuendo happens all the time and requests for film download sites remain?
This is unfair and unequal.

"Please feel free to complain to Jim if you think I was unfair."
I'm a little confused as to how I was ever supposed to appeal your warning if you knew Jim would never answer?

I'm between a rock and a hard place.I can't win and you know that, whoever you are.

I've been here from the start, fought hard, made frenemies, posted on boards other than GD, tried to make it work.
It feels crap to be shat on by one of my own, I'm not going to lie.
I've waited now for a long time and I now acknowledge that Jim won't answer, nobody will.



I'll answer. This is an example of why I don't post much here anymore.


Would you be prepared to elaborate db?


Yes ! Your experience contributed to my disillusionment concerning the progress of the site. There has been a recent thread questioning this pattern here which didn't go far. I've deleted all threads I ever created, many of my responses to others and only reply very selectively & sporadically these days.


Thank you db.
I feel if Mod4 lives up to expectations and his/her principles I ought to be receiving my 3rd and final warning soon. Since my second warning was originally for making a joke about the IELTS spammers.That was rescinded but re-issued as a warning about publishing the Private Message I received from Mod4 (I had the temerity to be pissed off about it!).
I can't find a rule about it, but it must exist surely?

All evidence of what happened was deleted, naturally.
I'm sure this thread will be deleted and my final warning must be issued.
I'm counting on Mod4 to delete this thread and ban me from the site.


For what it's worth, I think Mod5 has been the only good one here and I should know because I'm one of the originals, just like you, before there ever were mods. Maybe I'll get my first warning out of this. Don't care; my disgust and apathy have already been noted.

Also for what it's worth, my encounters with you and others in the early bunch on the site were my happiest times here.


Me too db, me too.


...what was it like, db?


We had a lot of fun here, constant very clever humor.


I agree, db. I'm afraid that's all I will say on the matter.


This feels like the night of the returned!

I will always have your back my dear no matter what it is.


that is funny. lol


It is?


night of the returned.


That was pretty good wasn't it.


I thought so. Good reference.


Mod4 is kind of late showing up.
I could have said "cunt" and wounded someone by now.


Just so you know if you get banned I will follow.
No questions asked.
You are a real corker!


The site's been feeling like a hospice since my two favorite smart asses left !


That's nice to hear db.
You're one of my favorite smart asses so it works out good!

I wasn't sure how it would go coming back after my ridiculous departure.
At the time I really never thought I would be back.
Still not sure about it to be honest.

Looks like a lot has happened since I left.


What was ridiculous about it ? It kind of caught me by surprise but then also you did pre-announce it was pending. I got a sense of something serious going on in your life.


I just know how it is when somebody leaves without warning.
I didn't want to do that.
I shouldn't have put the joke about me being a women with two kids.
It was in bad taste.

I'm not going to hide anymore. I do have some serious things going on but so does
everybody else. It's all part our journey.
I'll try to stay here as long as I can and hopefully contribute something worthwhile every
so often.


Scratch that. If that was the case, it would be "joking"......
If that is the case, we aren't allowed to do that!
I never heard of Mod 4. Is this one new? The only Mod who ever speaks to us is #5
#5 is always fair and jumps in when called upon. Perhaps it's time to find out what is going on.
I can't believe that you of all people have been treated this way. It worries me. It should worry all of us.


Just so you know, Mod4 and Mod5 are not the only mods. Being a mod is not easy and we can only use our best judgment. Everyone has their own viewpoint on any given post, so sometimes we may not get it right. But we do try.


Oh shit! There is a sixth one!!! Well...really fourth as mods one and two were killed in a kitchen fire...too soon?


Since everyone has their own viewpoint do the mods ever get together to discuss
warnings (for instance) to see what the others think?
Kind of like a majority rules thing or is it that if one mod does something it's now their thing and
nobody else can interfere?


Yes they do in fact...but discussions like this only get them riled...then they have the
Pow wow...smoke a pipe...put on makeup...and Dazed has two strikes😯


I don't mind if you Pass the dutchie on the left hand side.
If you don't that's why I'm in love with the coco!


If I could pass it through the sceen...we'd both be lit!😮


Can you take me high enough
To fly me over yesterday?

Well can you!


These dabs might actually do it...for real...I'm damn near blind!


I think I'm blind too but for different reasons I suspect!




How do you know what the mods do?
Hmm ? Are you a mod?


Sometimes birds whisper in my ears😉 and sometimes THEY futz up and leave the door to their lounge open😮
Sorry I missed your return...glad you did it again👍


We can and do consult with one another at times.


I completely agree that it has to be a difficult job keeping us in line. i have said so several times here on these boards, if you recall.
I'm pleased to see you here. I supposed that there were more mods than just one. Unfortunately, all I have seen of anyone, and that includes Jim, is Mod#5
We know that you people have a hard job and you do try. I would like to think that there was a big misunderstanding where our friend, Dazed was concerned. Good Day.






Hello ! Happy Sunday morning to ya


I’m assuming that since you didn’t reply to my good morning that I must have offended you somehow.


Or maybe she's just busy elsewhere.


That could be very true. How’s baseball season treating your team ?


My team, the Twins, have been in a slump lately, but I'm hopeful that they're turning it around. They took 3 of 4 from the White Sox over the weekend and beat St Louis tonight.


Who’s their big star this year ? Can someone bring them back to the playoffs this time around


Sort of hard to say, but Brian Dozier, Joe Mauer, and Eddie Rosario are making plenty of noise. And we can't forget Max Kepler, either.


I loved mauer back in the day. You’re right about Brian though. You’re future is looking bright .


I sure hope so!


I love cool sports names. Dozier is one of them .





Well poop! Hoped to say hello...before saying goodbye again...but noooo...I had to take one to the fanny from my internet provider...at&t can gargle my gonads! Hope you're still around!
Next time drop a thread about the slippery slope that is sex with crazy people...that gets the mods attention every time...Jack seems to like them however😉


Does anyone else have a deja - vu with this or i'm the only one?


Have you been having sex with loons again croft?


That's a scary thought😨


Knock knock.


Must feel like a fool now eh Canada?

EDIT: Language.


Still not sure of how we are to take this.


Same way it was given Margo.

Poseidon's Kiss.


I'm confused.


Me, too.


Oh you two!

Poop, splashback.

Happens to us all at some point.


Are you saying a Canadian is Mod4?


Do you have any idea of what that was all about?
Forget it!
May I simply say that I am happy to see you and godewey back?
I have missed you! I do not like having the original gang dropping off like flies.
The new group has to be experienced with friends..... then decided on!


No idea Margo!
Juror seems to be suggesting Mod 4 was Canadian, but in my experience Canadians are nice, peace loving individuals.
I've missed you too Margo.
I'm hoping I'm getting a reprieve, I may have catch 22'd mod4..fingers crossed.


I'd hope that he is only joking about Canadians. They are my neighbors to the north! Good people!
As for your reprieve, 🤞
Love ya!




well..those French Canadians are a bit of a different story...
