MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > As long as she's sorry

As long as she's sorry

I made a terrible mistake wh caused hundreds of ppl 2 lose derr jobs. so sorry!'

Oh well, if she is sorry that's ok. Who cares about the hundreds of ppl 2 lose der jobs

Also if you are sorry, maybe talk like a normal person not abbreviate?

How she really feels

"I doughnut kerrr about der hundreds ppl 2 donegone lost der joob. Srry, not srry"


It was the ambien that made her be all racist.


Until a few moments ago I thought you were joking about the Ambien!


And the ambien company has actually defended itself against her too


And you too! I thought you were joking, but NO! 😂


I was not, I wish I was that clever


Hey, you are that clever! You and Dazed are forever coming up with funny lines. How was I to know things had gotten so whacky what you both said were actually true!


Apparently the way there are side effects but racism isn't one of them!


OMG you're on fire today...I'm going to use that one!!! The ambien did it!




During the interview she scratched several of her private parts many times, farted several times into her rather large double panties, burped and yelled out hallalooler and called the reporter half wang and left


"sorry" was enough for that barrel a shit Behar to hold onto her plum job.


Of course if she had been a Liberal, they might have let her slide. It's the Media Double Standard on Free Speech.
Liberals only believe in free speech when you agree with them. If you don't, they will silence and then destroy you.
They're fascists that way.



Free speech only protects one from government, it doesn't protect one from private companies. So if a company has certain political leanings or a brand they are trying to protect, they are well within their rights to terminate employment. You may not agree with it, but it doesn't make the fascist or hypocritical.


I'm going to shock you right to your roots, but I agree with you. Disney had every right to fire her. I do not dispute that.

But my point is that if she had been a Liberal, they might have let her slide. Liberals only believe in free speech if you agree with them. If you don't, they will do their best to silence and then destroy you. That 's Liberal Fascism.



I understood your point. I just don't see it as fascism. Nor do I see it as a left or right issue. It might seem more liberal at the moment, and this might shock you, I do see the bias, but I see the same sort of outcry from both liberals and conservatives.


I do, but that's why they make chocolate and vanilla. And I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find us agreeing again.
What is the world coming to?



Perhaps the world is a little more cinnamon than chocolate or vanilla today??


Yes perhaps. Have a good one.



Another thing to ponder, MovieMan- what Roseanne said in my opinion was not that big of a deal and it was humorous .

And yet they do much worse on " The View " - I mean some really vile shit and yet , nothing happens.
Talk about a double standard, sheesh.
It's like those trying to defend the traitorous bitch Jane Fonda


I could not agree more, tex. She made a joke, a bad one, but big deal.



I've been thinking about this, and perhaps it wouldn't have been such a big deal had she left out Muslim Brotherhood and perhaps posted a picture showing how much they look alike. Without context the tweet does come across really badly. A joke kinda falls flat if it needs to be defended or explained. When it comes across as really racist, it becomes a big deal. Just ask Justine Sacco.

I don't watch the View because it's not really my thing, but saw that people were complaining about what Joy said about Pence and Jesus. I watched the clip ( I should state that I'm not Christian, so perhaps I wasn't as offended by the comment) but what made that different was that, although it's mostly a Liberal panel, they do debate opposing views and there were others that disagreed with Joy on that comment so it didn't really look like the network was supporting someone with that viewpoint. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying that I can see why Roseanne would get cancelled but not The View.

As for Jane Fonda, it's been almost 50 years. I think there are more pressing issues and the more I read about it (from both sides) it's not so black and white. Not defending her, but I think that black and white thinking is why we're in the mess that we are in right now.


As for Jane Fonda, it's been almost 50 years. I think there are more pressing issues and the more I read about it (from both sides) it's not so black and white. Not defending her, but I think that black and white thinking is why we're in the mess that we are in right now.

No. She will be buried with that & that's just the way it's gonna be.


That is the black and white thinking I'm talking about. I know that there is nothing that I can say that will make one iota of difference to you so I'm not going to try.


...wise decision.


As my Grandpa ( WWII veteran ) used to say - 'In his day she would have been executed as a traitor for consorting with the enemy.

And I agree
