MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Buffy reboot with black lead...More PC c...

Buffy reboot with black lead...More PC crap

I'm all for more diversity but IMO the way they're going about it is incredibly lazy.Piggybacking onto someone else's character and altering their race,gender or sexuality isn't progressive to me.Because at the end of the day that new character will always play second fiddle to the original.And most everyone will always defer to the original for character details.Progressiveness and diversity are earned through creativity and originality.2 things Hollywood doesn't employ nearly enough of.


Ever predictable


I dont care that they change the sex or race of the actors but Im definitely getting sick of the remakes overall.


I think part of the problem is the creators of the new show are trying to be trendy and hip by embracing the movement in diversity to better reflect the changes in our society but are not actually pleasing anyone in the process. People aware of prejudice are going to find the attempts lazy, as you say, horrorfan, in that it has a been there, done that feel. I mean, the bulk of the Civil Rights Movement was more than a half a century ago and yet racism is still an issue today due to socioeconomic factors from the bottom-up yet to be resolved or even addressed.

In a progressive person's eyes, changing the person's skin color or other traits is not going to make waves since it's not pushing any of their boundaries for what constitutes real change. People with strong sense of tradition or consistency are not going to welcome the switches either in part because the characters no longer relate to them or their personal struggles. The change only serves to benefit the production company hoping to roll out a new model for the marketers to sell to the general public. Sometimes it works. The creators consider the possibly of risks in their decisions, weighing outcomes in order to achieve their vision while keeping their bosses happy with new business opportunities.


I totally agree. I didn't know anything about this reboot, but if they really want diversity, write new characters. I know that Step by Step was essentially the Brady Bunch, but it was done in a way that wasn't in your face. Maybe it's because audiences call everything rip offs, that Hollywood doesn't even try to hide it anymore. Unless they really do something different with a show like this, it will probably flop.



The original Buffy movie was a "PC/progressive/feminist" spin on traditional heroes by having a strong female lead.


I'll only be okay with it if Blaffy is gender fluid...


Agree with the OP. This seems like nothing other than a shallow and disingenuous gesture and deserves to fail before it begins. Shaking up norms, and expressing and exploring diversity arises from conviction, originality, and boldness. What's bold and oringinal taking an already famous brand and simply swicthing a characters skin color? Oh and way to go giving ammunition to Internet basement dwellers who cry about diversity anywhere they can find it.

BUT there is something of value and interest in the first (?) African American female vampire hunter. A female Blade. But of course that's already ruined by the cheap gimmick of calling her Buffy. It's as if whoever came up with this thought bubble felt the need to have this "new" character latch on the coattails of an already famous White teen, rather than having conviction and taking a risk in promoting an oringinal African American heroine. Again very disingenuous and cowardly and I hope more people see that.

You think Hollywood would have also learned its lesson from Ghostbusters and Ocean's 8...Ocean 8 because in their eyes it didn't seem worth the opportunity giving 3 more roles to lesser known actresses. Wow "progress"...


Side note: Imagined defence could be that Blaxiplotation heroes and villains were African American swaps of White characters. Nevertheless as far I know they were oringinal spins and used name changes or word plays - such as Blacula.


Agreed, she could have been a supernatural and rare creature hunter who learned her trade in Africa, where old world phenomena is more common to find (more places to hide).

Even could bring some traditional African folklore and mythos into the mix. I'm thinking basically of a low tech Black Panther mixed with Supernatural. Vampires could still be the main baddies, being the smartest of all these creatures.


Exactly great ideas but even if they still took that creative route it's all undermined by the lack of originality and boldness in calling her Buffy.


True, and I wouldn't call it Buffy after these changes.


Firstly nice to see you back☺
Secondly, I have to agree, it all seems pointless and kind of insulting to the audience. Also, as you point out, it feeds the kind of people who like to moan about this kind of thing.
Several years ago the UK drama Midsomer Murders was taken to task over a lack of diversity, the producer was suspended because he felt inserting black characters wouldn't work. The thing is the type of English village it is based upon IS predominately white. It isn't racist to state it, it just is a fact and it wouldn't be authentic. In the same way as it would be inauthentic to have, for example, a London based drama without black characters.


Yeah I agree that is not very well thought out. Rather than creating a new series with more diversity they would rather take a cheap, lazy and unrealstic measure of inserting a minority into a predominately White setting. Unless the demographics of isolated English villages has changed it's a foolish token move.
