MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The show you wish never existed

The show you wish never existed

Is there one TV show whose existence you would like to wipe all traces of off the planet and the pages of history?

For me that show is The Big Bang Theory. I wish it was never born. I hate it so much. Which show would you undo if you could?


Spongebob - If you can even call that a show


SouthPark,... seriously. That show is disgusting.


Ditto on The Big Bang Theory. Hate it.

I wanted to learn more about the actual Big Bang Theory, you know the theory of how the universe started. But when I googled it all I got was stuff about this stupid tv show. Pages and pages on it.


Home and Away - Australian soap opera. Can't stand it!! Badly acted like many soaps and with bland, unlikeable characters.

And don't even get me started on Escape to the Country.
