MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Secrets of nutrition.

Secrets of nutrition.

First off it's important to be getting good sleep. People never adapt to lack of sleep as it instead takes a toll on the mind and body. Around 8 hours or so minimum. Bad sleep will result in bad metabolism making you fat.

When you wake up sometimes it is best to skip breakfast. This is called intermittent fasting. It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as that is when you break the fast that took place when you were sleeping. But it's also important WHEN you eat as oppose to being on a set schedule when you are not hungry.

When you go shopping for foods shop on the perimeter of the grocery store. The inner isles contain processed foods. Never eat fast food as it is notorious for making people obese. Plant foods cleanse you, animals foods build you up. Carbs are good for the brain and fullness. Oatmeal being good as a light breakfast. Milk is also good as long as it is whole milk.

Replace coffee with green tea as a source of caffeine. Replace sodas with fruit juices as your source of sugar if you have cravings but only if the container says 100% juice. Jamba Juice is a good example of this. Only drink alcohol when attending communion.


You are right about sleep. American society, and perhaps other cultures, perceive sleep as “doing nothing,” and there is nothing that is farther from the truth. Sleep is when the body and mind heal. I’ve been working out seriously for a long time, and I’ve made a rule for myself, based on experience: if you didn’t get enough rest, you can’t train. I’ve also learned the importance of warming up from my training. Most people rush through the ritual of waking up. They jump out of bed, throw on some clothes, eat a doughnut, chug some coffee, race to work—and then wonder why they can’t focus their minds, why they feel so tense, and why their stomach is in a knot! Why? Because you’re brutalizing yourself, that’s why. Be kind to yourself, and yourself will be kind to you.


I can never manage a breakfast, I always feel a bit sick to the stomach food wise in the morning. All I can manage is a cup of tea until lunchtime.


DrRedPill. ..I've been following this for years. Breakfast is the most important meal, yes! I don't eat fast food, drink sodas, junk food. No coffee, just decaf green tea or chamomile. No alcohol. AND exercise every day. Very important.




Thanks for looking out for us Dr.


I wish I could transition to tea, but it makes me extremely nauseous, especially on an empty stomach. I've read this could be because of the tannins.

I totally agree with your about plant based foods. I've been on a vegan diet (high carb, low fat) for the last 6 months. Eventually I want to add fish back in. Not sure about meat though.

As much as I love dairy, it just doesn't love me. Although, I here kefir is more tolerable for the gut. Speaking of which, do you eat fermented foods? Sauerkraut is a daily thing for me, along with Kombucha.

About alcohol...ya lets no go there lol.


Thank you Doctor Obvious!



It's so obvious 65 percent of America’s adults are overweight and 31 percent of adults are obese.


Where do you get your stats, Dr. Obvious?




Okay then. BTW, I was just messin' with you. You're doing a good thing spreading the word on good health.
Thanks, and keep up the good work, Doc!



So how do I stop getting a bad sleep? And don't call me fat!


Have a set time like around 10 to go to bed every night. Don't use internet or play video games so as not to over stimulate the pituitary gland or "third eye" light sensing organ in your brain, and cause lack of rest. Don't eat directly before bedtime.
Sometimes it's best to sleep naked,... but not if you're freezing.


What's the lowest calorie alcohol ?


I sleep like 3 hours a night...
