Gym benefits.

In preparation for your gym secession it is important not to have any sodas, or fast food. Have a light meal to sustain you before hand. Having a big meal will cause you to vomit when working out.

Sessions should be an hour, for beginners. You should go a minimum of 2 days a week. One day you should work out your arms. The next day you should work out your legs. That way each muscle group gets a chance to rest. Start on low weight and work your way up.

If doing cardio start on low speed and work your way up. If you are in a jog you can run for as long as you can until your patience wears off. Sometimes cardio can wear you out for the weights. Remember to stretch so as not to pull a muscle.

Do not take steroids. They enlarge the heart and shrink the testicles. Do not expect instant visual results. Working out at the gym is a way of life, not a few sessions cure.

Benefits include more energy and strength, but if you do the workout wrong you will injure yourself.


I, too, am a gym enthusiast. Thanks for sharing these points.


If you’re thanking me, you’re welcome. If you’re thanking the OP, well, I doubt that he has a doctoral degree, but he clearly has one in BS.


Strength training >>> Cardio

I don't understand people who run on the treadmill for an hour. I can't do it. It's so dull and makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel.

Weight lifting is awesome and it gets addicting when you see your numbers increase every week especially at the beginning (the "newbie gains").


I'm the exact opposite. For me, I know I've achieved something when I've pounded out a couple miles or so in 20-30 minutes. My heart is thumping and my hair is wet with sweat. Then I get on an elliptical for another 10-15 minutes just to keep that heart rate up. After that I'll do some lifting, but it's halfhearted and I don't keep track of progress. Just something to do to kill a little more time.


"It's so dull and makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel"

That sounds like someone who hasn't yet discovered the joys of being plugged in and listening to music while doing cardio.


A lot of gyms now have TVs directly in front of treadmills, and most treadmills have a way to position a magazine (or a book if you can keep it open) and tablets for those who can afford such luxury.
Once had a trainer remind me to have some amount of incline on the treadmill. "The world isn't flat." And I always take stairs (unless we're talking over 6 flights, but I'm rarely in large buildings these days).


I prefer to play sports.


I used to play tennis, but other than that, I'm not all that great at sports. Maybe volleyball.
