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Movies that you Literally walked out of in Theaters?

a lot of people use the term "So awful I walked out" but what are the movies that you went to see in theaters and Literally Walked out of?


Valentine(2001)-I was 14, I was literally stunned at the Awfulness of this film

Undercover Bother-Went To see "The Sum Of All Fears" but sold out, had to watch this with a bunch of friends instead, I just could not get interested....

House Of A Thousand Corpes-Went With Friends to meet girls at the movies, for some odd reason they picked this, Literally walked on the movie and the girl...

Justice League(2nd Viewing)-Got stuck going to see this again, Literally couldnt make it through it again, Its a total abomination

Aliens Vs Predator Requiem-Whomever directed this film or who ever is responsible for the Color grading should never work in Hollywood again, This Film was so Dark you could not tell what was going on, after the second major action sequence happened and I could not tell what was happening, I left....Later watch the film and found out Its that Dark for the entire film...

LOTR: Return of the King-Once again got suckered into going with friends to meet girls....Walked out on the film and the girl....I spent 15 years intentionally avoiding The LOTR films, and finally 3 years ago watched them....can honestly say it was the single greatest movie experience of my life, The LOTR trilogy for me is the greatest Trilogy ever made, I also Very much enjoy the Hobbit Trilogy

Worth Noting-I Bought these Films on Blu Ray the day the came out....started watching Them and couldnt get past the first 20 mins and shut them off

Sherlock Holmes(2010)
Casino Royale

It took several years for me to give them a try again and Ironically they are now 2 of my very favorite movies, BOTH are my favorite movies of the year in 2010 and 2006....


I don't remember walking out of films. But i do remember falling asleep to a couple. The Fifth Element and Spy Hard. Both awful films and I a fan of Bruce Willis, Andy Griffith and Leslie Nielson. Lol...

Oh wait I do remember one movie my Girlfriend made me walk out on. We were watching The Mummy Returns. I liked it and still do today. It's a bit hookey sure but a fun film. We got to the part where the balloon was overtaken by imothep. My girlfriend being a bit drunk at the time looked and me and said this is STOOOOPID and proceeded to walk out. I got pissed that I just paid full price for seeing half a movie. A couple months later she rents it out and has the time of her life saying it was a great movie. 🙄🙄....flash forward to today and her movie watching skills still suck. Though she doesn't drink anymore so that is a plus I


I have never walked out of a movie because I thought it was that bad. The only movie I've ever walked out of what Full Metal Jacket, and it wasn't because we didn't like it. My best friend and I (still my best friend) were, like, 17 years old, and we got freaked out by the scene where Private Pyle gets attacked and beaten by his company with bars of soap. It freaked us out so bad, we couldn't handle it, got up and left. I loved Kubrick at the time and still love Kubrick, and looking back we both feel silly about it, but it's what happened.


that's a great story. It gives me hope. We should be repulsed by something like that, and your reaction would make the Kubrick proud.


The Deranged in 1974. It was based on the Ed Gein case. The people of Plainfield WI. (15 to 20 miles from where I was brought up) wanted it banned.
I was only two years old when he was caught and eventually committed. I'd heard so much about the man and the case while growing up, I was curious to see it when it came out in the theaters. I was in my late teens then. My nerves got the better of me. I couldn't sit though the whole thing. Even though it was a low budget movie and only based on the case, I just couldn't sit through it. I have no problems with horror, mind you. I didn't then. My problem was that it was just too close to home for comfort.
Years later, I can watch it. In fact, I find it rather silly and possibly unintentionally funny, or maybe the humor is totally intentional! I have it on DVD. It's so low budget, it is part of a double feature DVD. The other movie is Motel Hell! Now THAT is a movie one can sit through and LOL!👍
