MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you time slipped 30 years, and were s...

If you time slipped 30 years, and were stuck, what would you do?

So time slipping is when you find yourself suddenly in a different era. It's been documented. Normally it fades back to present day (glitch in the matrix sort of thing).

But let's say you get stuck. You have 30 years of knowledge in your head. Are you going to do anything? Buy apple stocks around 1996? Invest in google? Stop 9/11 or at least set up a HD camera to see what really hit the towers?

What about stopping crimes? Or tragedies? Would you stop Diana dying in the Parisian tunnel? Stop Michael Jackson from hiring that quack who killed him?

Or would you just let things be as they are and not want to screw with anything?


I think I would just go back 30 years in my own life and try and not make the same stupid mistakes that I did the first time lol


Same here. If I could go back 30 years, I'd avoid all the mistakes.


It would mean I was 15 again, I would study and plan for the future. I was pretty lost at that age and lacked direction so being forearmed with all that knowledge would be great.

I think it would be difficult to try and stop the things you mention. In fact trying to do so may get you put on watch lists or worse!


I would have gone and seen Bill Hicks live as many times as possible.


Purchase Apple & Amazon stocks. Nothing I could do about 9/11 (no one could) as no one would believe the far fetched tale. The theory was brought to the powers that be prior to the event. Didn’t do much good...did it? Just like Pearl Harbor in 1941. Could care less about M. Jackson. Sort of silly thinking anyone could stop Diana from dying.


Obviously, it'd be great to stop bad things from happening... but, logically you'd be altering the future, which I don't think is worth risking.

Personally, I'd want to witness crimes that remain unsolved (obviously I'd be hidden and wouldn't tell anyone. Just because it's something I've always been interested in). I'd definitely make money in whichever way I could too.


or at least set up a HD camera to see what really hit the towers?

Do what?


Nobody saw windows on those planes. Possibly not the hijacked planes. Some say drones with holographic properties. We need to see what it really was.


Stop 9/11 or at least set up a HD camera to see what really hit the towers?

WTF! Planes smashed into the buildings.


Planes are light and their wings wouldn't enter in tact.


You need to seek help.


Another nuts truther. Sad.


Seeking the truth is nuts? Please tell me how the passport of one of the hijackers was found in the rubble? Nothing suspicious about that right?


How do you know it was found in the rubble?


It wasnt exactly in the rubble, I think it was a few blocks over.


Why do you believe that to be true though?


Planes are light?!!


Extremely light, that's how they fly. A bird hitting a plane can tear them to shreds.


A bird hitting a plain can mess up the engine which is why planes can fly. Commercial planes weigh over 150 thousand pounds!


I would stop every disaster that occurred in the past 30 years. But no one would know it was me who stopped it. And yes, of course I'd invest in Amazon, etc. "what really hit the towers"--oh no, you're one those nuts truthers. Sad.
