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OK, Y’all...Should I Hang My Head In Shame?

For the first time in over 50 years I’m not cooking or contributing to Thanksgiving Dinner! I ordered the whole deal from Cracker Barrel...even the iced tea! My grandson is visiting from Florida and we’ll pick up the fixin’s tomorrow. I just have to heat it Thanksgiving Day. I do think I went a little overboard as this meal feeds up to ten...we are just three. 🙇‍♀️

He and I are watching superhero and sci-fi movies while he’s here. My husband cares for neither and at my age I’m still a Trekkie. We just finished Terminator 2:Judgement Day, the best of the Terminator movies. Grandson tells me there is a version with alternate endings so I ordered the Terminator Anthology Collector’s Edition which includes 5 discs....all the movies. The Terminator 2 is the Skynet version. We’ve started the Spiderman series then on to Superman & Batman! Yay! I have someone who will watch with me 2 of my favorite movie genres.☺️

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! And please keep in our prayers the folks who have suffered greatly in the California fires.😇Dewey would want us to do so.


Nice post, KissKap! I really feel for the folks dealing with the California fires. I can't imagine... Awful, just awful.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


I'm not even close to those fires, and yet I can still smell them from hundreds of miles away -- truly devastating.

There's nothing wrong with ordering a catered Thanksgiving dinner, especially if it allows more time spent with friends and loved ones. Me, I'll be spending the holiday weekend between a few households, and every year I definitely look forward to mounds of delicious leftovers. Happy holidays indeed.

On the subject of T2, I will stick up for the original theatrical version. While the extended features some very enjoyable deleted scenes, the pace and intensity of the theatrical cut is absolutely relentless. Both versions, however, are supremely well made.


My grandson agrees with you re: the original theatrical version. But, he did say the Directors Cut (Extended) explains a few things. This is what is included on the Skynet Blue Ray version:SKYNET EDITION (1991) - All 3 version of T2 in 1080p THX - Theatrical, Extended and Special Editions.


Do not hang your head in shame. We all do what we must. Nothing wrong with this. Do whatever makes you happy. I'm so tired of things we "should" do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, KissKap!


Every year I put on this big spread, working all week starting on Monday. Dress the table, put what we’ve always had for Thanksgiving Dinner placed just so....pour the wine...we sit down...say grace...then look at each other...and sigh! I look at the kitchen and asked myself “Why?” My husband’s appetite has waned and by this time I’m not hungry. You wouldn’t believe what I’m getting for the price and no work except for heating!

I added an extra pie, iced tea, another qt. of gravy. With gratuity & tax $150.00. So plenty of leftovers!


Catering seems like a good idea; spend more time with family & less in the kitchen. Unless all of you enjoy kitchen duties?

I enjoy the deleted scene for T2 with the 'false mirror', Linda Hamilton's twin sister & the chip reset: but only as a bonus feature type thing. Sometimes a good scene really does need to be left out to maintain the right momentum in a film.

I feel for the folk out west. I've been 'pre-staged' (no evac order yet, but everything packed & ready to load in the truck & GO at a moments notice) due to nearby fires in the past, but been lucky so far. Hope they get enough rain out there to get things under control but not wash away.


They are fearing the coming rains as there is no vegetation to keep the mud from sliding. Add to that they haven’t found everyone yet. Wish you well and hope you won’t have to evacuate.

Those poor folks are living in tents! Where are the Fema trailers? First the panhandle of my home state, Florida, devastated by a Cat 4 hurricane...then the California fires which I would think are worse due to the loss of life and utter desruction. Absolutely horrific! Those of us who have escaped these tragedies have a lot to be thankful for.😔


No, not really. The next Thanksgiving Dinner I cook will be my second. The first one was in a previous century. Happy Thanksgiving!

And yes, it is sad about the California fires, and the bar shooting.



Back at ya! I finally reached the “not again” stage. I thought of you when watching Terminator this evening when he put on his shades!😎


Thanks, Bro! That is a great compliment.



☹️ I ain’t a bro...Do I come off as one?


Sorry. I had a senior moment there. My memory is not as good as it used to be. And no, you don't come off as one,
I just hadn't communicated with you in a while, and I forgot. My apologies!



That’s OK! Apologies not needed. I also am having senior moments...too many! I’m at the “one track” longer a muli-tasker. I think that’s one of the reasons I ordered my Thankgiving To Go dinner from Cracker Barrel. When it gets to the point you have to think about every step in preparing a big meal & coordinating the food so all are in’s time to hang it up! A good analogy: When we drive we don’t think about every movement (although some should🤬), we react naturally as long as we aren’t texting, dialing phone calls, etc. It’s ingrained in us.

Anyhow, Happy Turkey Day!


Thanks and right back at ya!



I love Cracker Barrel! I’m sure the meal will be delicious. Less time cooking and cleaning = more time for relaxing and enjoying movies. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday to me. Enjoy!


You got it! Thank you much and Happy Turkey Day to you! The stats say a turkey dinner for about 10 is under $50.00. There’s no way I could put on the menu what I normally do for $50.00! This Cracker Barrel meal includes 2 whole turkey *breasts* which aren’t cheap....way more per pound than a whole turkey. The 3 pies are huge which include Pumpkin, Pecan and for the extra $8.99 an Apple Pecan Streusel. The whole meal before the extras, tax & tip, was $109.99. I paid $3.99 for a gallon of tea...cheaper than Wally world. Also, an extra quart of gravy and an extra pan of stuffing.


Sounds like fun . Enjoy!


If nothing else...I won’t have the mess to clean up! Happy Turkey Day to you!


No shame there.

Personally, I wouldn't have picked Cracker Barrel, but that's just me.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Why not Cracker Barrel? 🤔 But, Happy Turkey Day to you also!


Food has always been mediocre imo. Maybe it's just the one near me. Been there 3 or 4 times over the last decade and never really had a good experience. However their Thanksgiving could be great, I have no idea. I hope its delicious!!


I will give you an honest opinion afterwards. As I recently replied...I’ve been into the pies already. Pecan was good...not sickening sweet. Pumpkin also, but could have used a bit more spices. I’m finicky about pumpkin pies and I would purchase this one again. I am impressed with the home made crusts. The next piece will be the apple pecan streusel.

BTW, you are correct some Cracker Barrels can be a hit or a miss. The one we frequent has been quite good. I always without fail order the chicken and dumplings with extra dumplings and gravy. I’ve stopped for carry-out twice in the past week. My husband ordered the chicken fried steak and was happy with it.
