MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any Rainer Werner Fassbinder fans out th...

Any Rainer Werner Fassbinder fans out there?

I've only seen Ali: Fear Eats the Soul. What should I watch next?




That one is hard to find.


i actually just watched ali last night, coincidentally enough. loved it, though it certainly is not a feel-good film. it won't put a skip in your step.

unfortunately, that's his only film as a director that i've seen, so i'm not much use to you.

i did watch kamikaze 1989, which i believe was his last acting role. it's streaming on kanopy, so you can watch it for free if your library has access to that service. i didn't care for it much myself, found it dull & ugly to look at, but that's just me.


7 years after his death? I wonder why they didn't release that movie earlier.


the name of the movie is kamikaze 1989 - deceptive title! it was released in 1982.


haha, I see.. Thanks
