MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you had surgery?

Have you had surgery?

I am in waiting room while my boyfriend has gallbladder surgery. I once had a bone cyst removed from within my elbow joint. The only other time I had general anaesthesia was when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Have you ever been under the knife?


Severed the tendons in my right hand middle finger when i was a kid.Had to have surgery and some physical therapy.Still can't bend that finger all the way.


No surgery. Only local anesthesia to take out four molars when I got braces.


Yes. Once the gall bladder, which was no biggie. I had to beg them for a night in the hospital, I was so groggy after the anesthetic I didn't want to be home by myself.

The other time was a dramatic life-saving operation that left me with a foot-long scar. I'll just say... it wasnt fun at the time, but it was definitely worth the trouble.


I had a minor surgery once and the doctor prescribed me 40 7.5 mg Vicodin's. I had no need for them after a couple days. You wonder why the US has an opiate problem?



Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your boyfriend, Pete.

I've had 7 surgeries under general anesthesia: 3 c-sections, 2 foot surgeries, wisdom teeth removal, and an appendectomy. Hard to say which waa the toughest. C-sections are no fun because you think your guts are going to fall out if you cough or sneeze. Foot surgery meant I was laid up for several days - even getting to the bathroom was an adventure in pain. But medicine is amazing and I'm thankful for the skills of my doctor. I realize I'd have died in childbirth if not for them.
