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A sport you used to love and no longer follow

I loved tennis back in the 1970s and 1980s. I remember McEnroe-Connors and Evert- Navratilova but now it's just boring. All those nameless Europeans. 😊😊😊


All of them.

I'm afraid that the widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs has taken all the fun out of sports for me.


When I was 4 or 5 years old I enjoyed playing tee ball. Lol. And I played some basketball with friends until I was, like, maybe 10, maybe 11. Never with much interest, though; I played it because my friends liked it. When I was 18 I made an attempt to become interested in soccer because my then-girlfriend liked it, but I failed to do so. Sports just don't interest me. The last time I was really interested was tee ball when I was 5.


I used to like football, but after all the news about concussions I stopped watching it, and am now a basketball fan, especially of the Golden State Warriors.


MLBazeball. Too slow, too long. Theoretically, I still love baseball, but I sure don't watch it much.


Used to follow the NBA pretty closely. Not so much now. Though the fact that my favorite team, the Bucks, are actually good has me a little bit interested again.
