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A sport you used to love and no longer follow

I loved tennis back in the 1970s and 1980s. I remember McEnroe-Connors and Evert- Navratilova but now it's just boring. All those nameless Europeans. 😊😊😊


I used to watch F1. Not anymore.


I never was a fan of car racing of any kind.


Do you like cars?


Had a friend many years ago who was into Indy Racing. Rick Mears days. I don't care for Motor Sports, but he was so enthusiastic, it was fun.


NBA Basketball:/

They were giants, superheroes, they could fly man!
I would routinely watch 6-8 hours of NBA hoops on a day off, I loved it

Then they all started getting tattoos and acting like angry hood-rats and talking trash instead of playing hard

The fake 'throw yourself on the court' fouls sort of did it for me...pathetic, wimpy behavior

Hardly watch anymore


So true. Pat Riley’s Knicks couldn’t even play in today’s NBA. Oakley and Mase played hardcore, prison yard ball. I miss those teams.


The NBA is just sad today
The energy of the 80s and 90s is completely gone

Oakley was a hardballer...loved him
These guys today seem like punks


Couldn't agree more. They now resemble Soccer players with their absurd flops.



So irritating it made me quit watching🀬




I thought the NBA was the "hot" league right now. But I am not a big fan.


My buddies are all NFL fans...the NBA has alienated a lot of basketball fans
College hoops is still very popular
Those kids play hard and very little stupidity is allowed


NASCAR, especially when it was Winston Cup. Once they changed to the "Chase" points system I was done.


Basketball. Now I just find the sport completely boring. Teams scoring multiple times a minute lessens the value of a point. If you don't get the point this time, you can get another opportunity soon after. Your turn, now it's the other team's turn, then back to your turn. Also everything is a foul. Even the slightest slap on the wrist is a foul. the shot clock also doesn't make sense. If I am holding the ball to myself, come at me. Why should time help you get possession back?


The fouls in the NBA are obnoxious!
EVERYTHING is a foul:(

The NBA became stupid about 15 years ago





I'm all about Michigan Sports, so I nominate the Bad Boy Pistons as one of the best teams ever. Up there with the Chicago Bear Super Bowl Shuffle team.


Amen! Couldn't agree more. The only time it's exciting is during March Madness.



I used to follow hockey more closely when I was playing it on the regular. Now it's an occasional amusement.




but you're Canadian.


Motocross. I used to roadtrip to all the races I could. Camping for the weekend, partying at night, and waking up hungover to the sound and smell of dirtbikes. I miss that.


I still love baseball but watching it on TV is tough for me these days. They waste so much time between pitches. It seems like for every minute of game time you end up watching 2 seconds of the ball being delivered to the plate, then another 58 seconds of the batter adjusting his cap and batting gloves, the pitcher walking around the mound, and players in the dugout spitting sunflower seeds.



It is a great game but it's often really boring...Hate to say that

I have taken to not watching most of the season and sadly, I'm not the only one

NBA is crap too...I just watch the NFL now even though their annoying kneeling nonsense has become a big turnoff...

I think we deserve a huge, champion level ping pong tourny to get all into!!!
Screw the major sports...bunch of jerks


Kneeling is a non-issue. After the first couple weeks or so, it caused controversy, but everyone adapted and thought about it. Do people really want to give up watching the NFL over kneeling during the anthem? Freeking ridiculous ! Players fidget, they bounce around, they look like they don't give a crap about the anthem, it's just an automatic gesture we have to pretend to care about. I like when people make it Real. I hope Kaepernick makes as much money doing his thing as he might have playing.


I do care though and it was annoying to me
Never said I quit watching because of it


I agree. The only time I watch is during the World Series, and sometimes not even then.



They have to find a way to speed up this game. They are in danger is losing a generation of fans.


I hear ya !


Traitors! Baseball for life! (except hownos on account of him being canadian and all)


I love baseball. Just speed the game up a bit.


I know dude, I’m messin with ya.


How will the Brewers do this season ??


Watch it mister😑


I will cheer for them as the Blue Jays will be lucky to win 60 games.


Yay, I like that. My #1 team is the Pirates, the Brewers a close second. The only team I dislike more than the Blue Jays is the Dodgers. I think it stems from the 1992 Braves/Blue Jays rivalry.


The NL Central will be a 3-4 team battle.
