MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Message to fellow progressives, intellec...

Message to fellow progressives, intellectuals and introverts

Can we please all stop attacking one another?

It makes no sense to carp and attack people who we share similar ideas, beliefs and personalities with. In effect, we're attacking ourselves when we attack likeminded people. In effect we're saying we don't like ourselves.

However, also note that constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement (i.e. how can we improve the DNC etcetera) do NOT amount to attacks, and should not therefore be subject to retaliatory attacks.

We should all be able to take criticism and suggestions on how to improve and develop. What is NOT acceptable is bullying, cruelty, egregious sarcasm, name-calling and rudeness.


Yes. You start.




I will.

Just please remember, generalised criticisms are not the same as personalised attacks.


Oh I know sweetie but you called me a white supremicist with no grounds to do so. This is definitely not a generalized criticism and it couldn’t be further from the truth.
I’m glad you’re working on a different approach though. I think you’ll find people will be much more willing to listen to what you have to say.


I'm sorry I called you a white supremacist. I know it's not a defence, but I doubt I meant it literally.


No. U.


The left is so tactical. Everything they say is for appearance sake and marketing. It must be exhausting.


Anything worthwhile usually is (exhausting that is).

It's far too easy and lazy just to shoot one's mouth off and say the first stupid and vile thing that comes into one's head.

And yes, you might say that the left is hypocritical. To which I would say that personally speaking, I have very few negative and bigoted thoughts that I'd think twice about sharing, but that doesn't mean I have non whatsoever. After all, it's human nature to have the occasional moronic thought. What matters is that one is able to recognise that it is moronic, and thus refrain from expressing it.


I told someone earlier they need to go to their bunker. I doubt this was a progressive. I really try not to get too nasty but I maybe get a little worked up sometimes. The guy (?) was ejaculating over someone getting tazed, supposedly because they don't want to have identifying #s attached to them, driver's license, plates, etc. A bit wacky for sure, and philosophically an interesting position to take, but I don't know what's so great about torturing a person like this. So I pointed it out.


Lol! Is telling someone to go to their bunker similar to sending someone to their room? I’ve never heard that, it’s funny! 😄


Well, when people are so incensed over others trying to test their civil rights in a free society, being gleeful over watching someone tazed gives me paws. What, are we Animals? There are people out here who don't mind if humans are set underneath the Magnifying Glass and are randomly burned to death because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bizarre !!


I concur. Also, the way he responded to your post made him sound like some angst meathead with roid rage. He might as well have just said “you don’t agree with me so f**k you!” I’m glad you sent his ass to his bunker.


What's your favorite movie ??


Dead Man Walking. I Want To Live ! I don't like The Green Mile that much but I think it works into my basic thesis.


I didn't care for the supernatural aspects of the Green Mile. But I did find it a fascinating exhibit about the barbarity of the electric chair.


It makes no sense to attack anyone whether they share your beliefs or not. Doesn't the Constitution guarantee free speech? Attacking the beliefs of another causes all kinds of trouble including wars.


A sliver of each day spent finding fault in others (except Republicans and their supporters) is a slice of a lifetime lost for one's own reflection.


If Michael Jackson taught us anything, it's that you should start with the man in the mirror.

Make that change!


Yeah, I'm done listening to anything Michael Jackson has to say (although he was admittedly right on this one).


😆perfect! Anyone know any good Cosby quotes?


" Cruelty? " Seriously? Where is this hyperbole coming from?

Sheesh, what a drama queen!
