
Just released last year, and there have been many IMDB ratings, so I wondered if anyone in here saw it.. It's good, I gave it a 7.5/10


I did. I was a little disappointed with the 3rd act but some of the performances are excellent.


I agree.. Sakura Andro was great.. I was bothered when there was not a single mention of child abuse, or the fact that they went to take the child back, heard more fighting, and with the burn-marks, they did the RIGHT thing. They'd steal from grocery markets, but they never hit the children, never said a bad word to them, no yelling, and sacrificed whatever they could.


Did you see Burning (aka Beoning)?


I haven't, but it sounds good. I might check it out sooner, thanks!


I thought you were asking people's opinions on shoplifters!

Haven't heard of it and will go take a look now. 7.5 is a good rating.


Good but overrated. I wouldn't say it was one of the best of the year like some people were saying.


Maybe, but if I see ANYTHING good in the last 35 years, I'll give em a handicap. I think "Wow, thank you for NOT making bullshit or mixing it with some superhero car-chase"




haven't had a chance to catch up with it yet. very much want to. it certainly got all kinds of rhapsodic reviews last year. it never played in the theatres here, unfortunately.
