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Toronto mother goes crazy at intersection

This happened earlier this week. A guy rolls through a stop sign and the mother ends up hanging on to the car as the driver drives away.

Never roll through a stop sign and never try to hang on to a moving vehicle.


Die she die?


maybe from embarrassment.


Reminds me of the Grand Theft Auto games.


I guess I don't get Canadian traffic signs. I don't see anything that indicates a crosswalk.


There are stop signs at a four way intersection. A driver always cedes the right of way to a pedestrian. They probably need a flashing crosswalk sign at this intersection.


But aren't those stop signs just for traffic on the road? Shouldn't there at least be markings on the road like these?:

Even the last example has lines.

Over here in Europe, pedestrians definitely don't automatically have right of way at intersections unless the vehicle takes a turn.


Both sides were at fault I would say. The driver doesn't come to a complete stop and the mother should not have proceeded into the intersection. In fact she uses the stroller to try and stop the car. This could have been tragic if the guy had hit the gas pedal at that point.


I did some Googling and apparently you guys have something called "unmarked crosswalks", where the sidewalk clearly continues on the other side of the road. Apparently pedestrians do have the right of way in that case.

But she's definitely at fault as well, because she came running onto the road when the car approached. That is NOT allowed. She's also not right in the head throwing that stroller in front of the car and leaving it in the middle of the road.


there must be hundreds of intersections like that here in Toronto


I think almost every corner where I live are considered unmarked crosswalks.


He did a better job of stopping than 90% of the cars in my neck of the woods. Take the stroller out of the mix and I doubt most cops would issue him a traffic ticket for failing to stop.

Crazy lady. I feel bad for that kid.


Kind of goes against the whole 'polite canadians' narrative
I guess you folks flip out up there too!


stroller rage.


The craziest lady in Canada!


I hung on to a car that was driving away once, but my situation was very different from this crazy warrior for traffic justice. Just how concerned was she for the safety of her child if she left the stroller in the middle of the road?? 🙄

No country is immune from crazies.


crazy warrior for traffic justice



She's a fucking moron! She leaves her baby unattended in the middle of the road to go ape shit all over the driver. She's lucky her child was injured or killed.

WTF are you people putting in the water up there, eh??



In America, one or both would probably have been shot. So I will stick with Canadian water. 😊😊


Only in Chicago, NYC or LA, nowhere else.



Don't ever assume a car's going to give way to you, especially with a pram. Yes the car was in the wrong but she needs to keep an eye out for dickheads.





She looked wrong here. The car was driving slow and it looked like she sped up to try to beat them across the street because she didn't want to wait.


It did look that way, Sam. It looked like she wanted to provoke an incident. If so, she's an asshole along with
being a moron.



I want to agree with those that say peds and bicyclists really have to be careful. Cars dominate the landscape, we are allowed to turn right on red. A perfectly good driver may not notice someone and usually the other person can stop more easily, not to mention all the bad and distracted drivers out there. I just had someone violate the lane recently. I avoided the accident but the other driver was pissed. They didn't understand they have to stay in the lane while turning. It's chaos out here.
