MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Proof that socialist health care is a li...

Proof that socialist health care is a lie

Let's say we all agree to give everyone free health care. But there's one catch. We're going to give it in the form of cash money.

How many people are actually going to choose to buy health care with it? How many are going to save for a house or retirement instead, or gym memberships and health food? Maybe even buy illegal drugs, anything besides health care.

Here's a crazy stat. There are on average about 18 prescriptions made for every man woman and child in this country each and every year. That's a serious drug addiction. Here's an even crazier stat. About half the country takes zero drugs. Free health care is basically a massive transfer of wealth from responsible healthy working people to a tiny minority of extremely sick people, and subsequently to an extremely corrupt undeserving pharmaceutical industry.

Health care is a rip off. It's insanely overpriced. Nobody would buy that willingly, without incentives, like being forced to do it. Liberals know this. That's the whole point.

You don't actually want more money for health care. You want less money for everything else. You don't care about people's bodies. You hate their lives.

Or you're just ignorant, because nobody on TV has ever made this argument before. Why is that? Could it be that 100% of their ads are for pharmaceuticals? Yes.


Why would you give free health care in the form of cash money?

You simply subsidise the system directly via the state, through taxation, so that everyone has a vested interest in each other's health, because, guess what? No-one know for sure when cancer or some other debilitating and potentially terminal disease might hit them.

I don't smoke, I am borderline teetotal, I don't eat meat or dairy, I exercise every day, and am so far lucky to say that I have never had a serious physical health ailment or issue (and I hope it remains that way), but I am more than happy to pay my taxes to help fund the NHS because not only am I contributing to a system that keeps my relatives, and my neighbours, and my friends, and my work colleagues, alive and well, I also know illness and injury can potentially strike any of us, including the most healthy.



I'm glad that I live in Canada. Without health care, I'd be paying over $15,000.00 a year for my meds.
Considering that I'm unemployed, and don't have a college education, even if I did procure full time employment, I'd be lucky to have anything leftover after taxes and other necessities.


Me too. My MS treatment was $55,000.00 this year, compared to $158,000.00 for the same treatment in the US. My doctors and specialists are all covered by taxes and my drugs are covered by my provincial insurance which I pay just over $60.00 a month for. Although it's difficult to compare tax rates as each province and state have different rates, we honestly don't pay that much more in taxes either.


health care in murica is worse than most socialist healthcare. obuma just made it even worse by fuckin over the poor man who couldnt afford insurance with more fines. if u want good healthcare at an affordable price u should go abroad. doctors are just salesmen here in the states dont trust em or it will cost u
