MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who do you think should be the next Jame...

Who do you think should be the next James Bond?

James Norton.


A black transsexual woman with a limp please.

If not, I'm boycotting.


As long as she's a vegan and an atheist I'm on board👍


Screw atheism. Atheism is for the powerful. Most people in positions of socio-cultural power are white male heterosexual atheists, albeit cultural-Judeo-Christians.

The actor should be a Muslim.


Our chats continue to blow my mind!
Fine, let's go with a Muslim girl but can she be all sassy?
I like sassy black girls with limps...sue me!!


Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hardy
Idris Elba (don't care that he's a bit old)

Or cast an American or a woman. That would never happen but I think it would be a cool shakeup.


Get your own heroes Americans.

Let us Brits keep something.

Personally, I think it's disgusting that of all the official Bonds, only two have been English (the others were Scottish, Australian, Welsh and Irish). He's an English character FFS.


I'm not trying to take him. It was just an idea; I think it would be interesting.

I don't really get why the actor absolutely must be English. Yes the character is English. People are actors.


Hmm...well as long as they play him as English, and they do a decent accent (i.e. they do a better job than Kevin Costner as Robin Hood).


There are only a scant few Americans who can even do a good English accent though. This is obviously from my side of the pond, but to me it seems like more Brits can pull off our accent (or one of them.) Hugh Laurie's American accent is spot on and Christian Bale's is pretty great. When Americans are doing bad English, we can definitely tell.


Nice list, I can see all of them as Bond (also don't care if Elba is a little older).


Cillian Murphy


Jamie Dornan
