MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Renée Zellweger as Judy Garland

Renée Zellweger as Judy Garland

Do you think she can pull it off?

She can't match her singing voice (who can?). I think she does okay with the acting part of it, but that's judging merely from the trailer.

I understand Liza Minnelli is not happy with the movie, but I suppose that's not unusual for family members.


The trailer looks okay. I don't think Renee is a bad singer, although thinking about it I can only remember her singing in Empire Records, so at least there is that. Like you said though, she can't match Judy.

I understand why family's get upset with movies like this, as they do take a lot of liberties with the truth in these.


Not only the liberties taken, but the movie makers just don't know the subject like their family members do. They may think they do, but they simply can't.


Is she doing the singing ??


Yes, from what I've read.


I noticed it's a BBC production - not sure how much attention this will get.


She was big in London, so who knows?


Annette Benning had a movie a few years ago about Gloria Grahame which didn't get much attention.


I guess that one got by me. It had decent reviews; not great but not horrible either. I imagine Judy Garland is known to more people because of Oz.


It looks very good, a period piece is always welcome if the script is right

The make up and wardrobe look great


I thought so too - the makeup and wardrobe. But if the script is bad, doesn't matter about the rest of it. Most of us know that.


What? She doesn't look anything like Judy Garland! Nobody could replicate the voice of Judy Garland.


She looks the part, Wonder how the singing will go. I think Eastwood messed up Jersey Boys by not dubbing Frankie Valli's voice. I know they were the Broadway stars but it took me out of the film. We'll see. 🤞


hmmm... tall order. obvious Oscar bait.
