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Unpleasant surprises

The other day I plucked off what I thought was a dead bamboo leaf off the screen door (there's tons of bamboo around this place) and when my fingers closed on it I thought "Uh oh, that's *not* a bamboo leaf!" ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

It was a stick insect of some sort. I didn't know we had them here, or that any of them looked like this.

I probably shrieked like a little girl ๐Ÿ˜„

When I was a little girl I was on the beach and picked up a wet rock. Except once I touched it it was squishy and slimy. Not a rock, it was a sea slug ๐Ÿ˜ณ

It's that moment of your being sure about an experience you're about to have, then being shocked when you realise it's something entirely different than you thought.

Got any unpleasant surprises like that of your own?


Running your hand on something that you think is ice and finding out the hard way that it's broken glass.


Yikes ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Yeah, that would be unpleasant all right.


I came upon a raccoon in my backyard once. I had it cornered but didn't realize it. I heard this hissing sound and then it ran between my legs and to freedom.


That was one brave raccoon ๐Ÿ˜€. Must have startled you.


I don't like them. We are overrun with them here.


I know you're not exactly Nature Guy, but c'mon, this is a heart-melter:


How can a surprise not be unexpected ffs.


You're right. I meant to title this unpleasant surprises, but a lack of sleep last night means my brain got semi-hijacked today. May as well correct it now.


I've been seriously surprised by police SWAT units on two separate occasions, decades apart.

The first time was during my taxi driving days. I had pulled into the parking lot of an apartment building and alerted my passenger by honking my horn. Suddenly, a mob of cops with guns raised in the air came charging up behind me and broke down the door of a ground floor unit with a battering ram. I was transfixed but remained, watching and waiting. I eventually left when no passenger ever emerged from the building, assuming I had been part of the thwarted escape plan.

The second time was just a few years ago. I was nonchalantly cruising home from the library one day when I encountered one of those armored SWAT trucks at an intersection and noticed it got behind me and was steadily following me. Naturally, I became increasingly more curious block after block but it wasn't until I arrived home and it parked directly in front of my house that the wtf? mindset really took hold. As I was exiting my garage, I was startled by the tightly packed huddle of the officers in their tactical gear, with shields and automatic weapons brandished, moving across my lawn and driveway. I then realized they were after someone several houses over. Once again, I was transfixed, just standing in my driveway and watching the scene unfold. During that time, I was further startled by one of the cops who came charging through my back yard with a huge German Shepherd on a leash and who nearly collided with me.

Surreal experiences at the time but in hindsight, actually more interesting than unpleasant.


That first one, I can imagine your sitting in your taxi after honking the horn, leaning back into your seat to wait until your ride appeared, as you'd probably done 100 times before, and *then*, WTH?! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

The second one (and how bizarre is it you've had TWO such experiences?) would have freaked me out, being followed to my house and having them park right in front of it, and then swarm. What a relief, though, when you realised their destination was somewhere down the block.


And then there are surprises that make you feel like an idiot - like stomping on that bug on the kitchen floor (GOTCHA!!) only to find out it was a piece of lint. (slinking away in embarrassment)



LOL. Your adventure makes sense considering your altered state. Was this around Halloween time?


Ha ha! Great story, Moose :)



I had a similar experience a few nights ago. Darkened room, dark, spider-shaped thing on the arm of white couch, which I quickly flicked away in the way one does when one expects the thing to be an insect. It was on the other side of the arm next morning. A small tangle of dark threads from something ๐Ÿ˜„


I ate what I thought was a crumb of cheese, but it turned out to be a blob of Tippex (at least thatโ€™s what I think it might have been).


Yesterday at work (I work at Kroger as a bagger), I went to check on the bathrooms and 2 of the 3 toilets in the back women's bathroom weren't flushing. Couldn't even get them plunged. So I had to put 2 out of order signs on the stalls. Also when I got off work I used the bathroom (the men's) and the toilet I used wouldn't flush.


These definitely qualify as unpleasant surprises ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Reminds me of a scene from Master and Commander.
