
Seems it's food night here on GD. The pizza discussion on the other thread reminded me I wanted to post this.

How often do you get pizza? Do you love it, hate it, are indifferent? When/if you do get it, do you get take-out, home delivery, eat it at a restaurant, buy frozen, or make it yourself at home?

What are your favourite toppings?

I actually crave pizza every so often. Maybe 2-3 times a year. Always get frozen because it's usually just me and I can cut however much I want and freeze the rest.

I like lots of different toppings, but usually I get either an everything on it or something lighter like mushrooms and spinach with a white sauce.



pepperoni, red pepper, green pepper, onions


Sliced red bell pepper, roast red pepper, crushed red pepper, or some combination? White onion, yellow onion, Spanish onion?

For me: roast red peppers, raw Spanish onions.


I love pizza, but I don’t eat it as often as I used to because I’m trying to eat healthier, so maybe once every couple of months; Meatfeast for me.


Man pizza for Andy. So noted! 👍


I love any kind of traditional topping, not nonsense like pineapple or shawarma or kebab.


Canadian Bacon and Pineapple are always an option on the menus I see, and it tastes just fine.
And anything to throw a curve into things is always welcome, at least once. Not an onion fan, though.


Pizza with pineapple does not taste fine to me. Luckily they hardly sell it over here.


Then stay away from Brazilian “pizza”! Cream cheese? Corn? Fried eggs? Why don’t the Brazilians just forget about pizza altogether and make Nachos? Nobody gives a damn about what you put on Nachos.


Okay, I just googled some Brazilian pizzas. 🤮

The Mexicans might care if it's the Brazilians ruining nachos . They've got a rivalry thing going on.


The Mexicans might care. I don’t care what happens to either of them. Stop fucking with European culture.

“Oh, no! We can’t do that! We might honk off the Mexicans!” And the downside to that would be, what? The Colombians? That’s a different story.

PS Is it even possible to ruin Nachos? Why hasn’t Nachos evolved from being an appetizer and assumed a place like pizza, as an entree? My guess is due to a lack of vision.


Mushrooms and pepperoni are what I prefer for my combo topping on my pizza.

Since there is a pizzeria in the same shopping center where I work, I'll have a slice and a side salad for lunch once or twice a week.
Those slices are without any toppings.
Oh yeah, each slice now costs $2.75 -- a far cry from when I used to be able to get a slice and a coke for 25 cents when I was kid growing up in New York a billion years ago.


2-3 times a year?!? Wow that is a schockingly small amount of pizza by my standards haha! I probably have pizza about once a week but have actually had it twice in the past 6 days. Most often I go with pepperoni but sometimes just cheese is good or bacon and banana peppers makes a pretty good combo.


I'm not on board with all the Bacon-mania I see going on. I don't mind the taste of bacon, but it just seems like one of those things one should limit in their diet. Sodium and meat. Not on pizza, not on burgers. Maybe a nice BLT once in a while. I usually opt for sausage rather than bacon in my breakfast choices, and I doubt that's much better. In fact, I think there may be more calories in sausage versus bacon, although serving sizes probably vary.


I believe your correct that in general there is more calories in sausage than bacon. Like most foods I enjoy, yeah bacon should be limited. But I've never had a problem with blood pressure or cholesterol though so I'm more than happy to add bacon to burgers or pizza when I'm in the mood.


I always worry about knocking bacon. It's like questioning, idk, the existence of God but even worse, haha. Mostly I feel like the Bacon or Pork lobby has pushed it beyond what I think it should be. But that's just me. Again, I don't dislike it per se, but if I were ever to have some self-imposed limit on my diet, it's easy to do so with bacon. I boycotted McDonald's for two decades mostly because it was easy and I could feel a little self-righteous over it. I ate BK and Wendy's and Carl's Jr but not that dastardly Mickey D's, haha. What broke the streak was at some point I felt that since the world did not care about me (I was pretty unhappy at the time) there was no reason to try to be conscientious about my consumption.
Which has little to do with Bacon. Sorry for the tangent.


No worries, we all need to go off on a good tangent once in a while. I usually just eat what I like (and me likes the bacon). It's quite possible the pork lobby manipulated our thinking to push bacon to its near mythical status and if so, well done've taken quite a few of my dollars over the years.


I think so far you're crowned The Pizza King! 👑

Pepperoni is a classic, or just cheese. Never had one with bacon or banana peppers. In fact I'm not certain I know what banana peppers are.

I'm with Snepts on not being on board the bacon-mania train. I do like a BLT, and the taste of bacon is nice and smokey, it's the fattiness I don't like. He's probably right about sausage being higher in calories. Dammit, I do like sausage. On pizza, and for breakfast.


Two words: turkey sausage.


I buy turkey sausage if I'm cooking it, but have yet to find a turkey sausage on a pizza. It is good though, and yes, less fat, fewer calories. Plus, tastey 👍


You've probably had banana peppers without realizing that's what they're called. They are a mild hot pepper. They're the kind you'd find pickled in a salad bar. Chopped they make for a good pizza topping and I've always liked them combined with bacon. I've also found that the bacon used on pizzas is generally cooked well done and chopped to smaller pieces and not as fatty as it often is when served for breakfast.


Oh, I know what you mean. I forget what they call them here. Something like pepperchinos. Never had them on a pizza.


Pizza is a favourite of mine. I don't get/order pizza that often, maybe every other month, but I like to make pizza myself almost every weekend.

Today I made two pizzas. The toppings were: mozzarella, blue cheese, feta, cherry tomatos and jalapenos. The other one has: mozzarella, tuna, blue cheese and pineapple.


Whoa, you make it almost every weekend?!

Very creative topping choices. I'd like the first without the jalapeños, and the second without the pineapple. Tuna on pizza? Never thought of it, but anchovies and shrimp are good on it, so why not tuna?


Tuna fillets, like anchovies, or canned tuna? I am just now thinking that Sushi Yellowfin tuna fillets with Feta and spinach on a white pizza combined with a simple green Romain salad with Balsamic vinegar and EVOO plus a crisp, apple-scented and very cold white wine would work well. Or perhaps with a very chilled sweet Sake served in square cups made of pine. With Eva Cassidy playing.

Hedonist? What does that word mean?


I don't know, but honestly I'd try either one. But your version, with all the accouterments, sounds excellent!


Accouterments, and not accroutrements! You are both literate AND a lady of the world of the very highest quality. Catbookss, you are my kind of friend.


Ah, you're too kind, my friend, R_K :)


Every Tuesday my roommates get a Papa Murphy's. They switch up the style, last week had a lot of diced tomatoes and sausage, I think. The week before was chicken and spinach and feta, (but not a whole lot of spinach). Tasty, pretty light, but the 2 slices they give me are big. I usually eat them on different days, as one is enough. And it's free to me !

But I often miss getting a good ol' gooey Little Caesar's Deep Dish. It's like pizza for slobs, but as a native Detroiter, I support them (to a degree. I don't promote it as being gourmet.) and it's inexpensive. I also haven't had a good Chicago style pizza in decades. I'm not sure if anyone here even tries to make a Chi-town style 'Za.
