MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is Thanksgiving still a thing for most A...

Is Thanksgiving still a thing for most Americans?

It seems so old fashioned to me, like something that would have been big in the 50s.

How the idea of a family coming together to recreate a meal between Invaders and the conquered seems racist. And getting the women to cook, sexist. Surely it's not that big anymore.


When I was a kid it was its own distinct holiday, now it has been sucked into the Christmas season.


You've been brain washed by SJWs. I'm sorry for you.

Everything white people do is racist to you. F'n sad.


People like the OP could suck the joy out of an orgasm.


It's still a great Holiday in my household.


Yes, unless you work retail. Then you're probably working in a chaotically busy store for the holiday.


I sure hope you're being facetious.


Not everyone is an SJW like you and most just celebrate it so they can eat, watch football and meet up with family members. You people that get offended by everything just isolate yourselves.
