MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > tubitv streaming additions today

tubitv streaming additions today

fyi to anyone who might care about such things:

there were a shockingly large amount of what i would deem quite good films added to tubitv today. they seem to have stepped up their game quite a bit in the past few months, to the point where i'm questioning whether i need to maintain my subscriptions to the various paid streaming sites i currently use.

added today:
it follows
ex machina
midnight in paris
still alice
the lobster
til the devil knows you're dead
an education
only lovers left alive
under the skin
a prophet
before midnight
mr turner
your sister's sister
the blackcoat's daughter
wendy and lucy
frances ha
rust and bone
take this waltz
another year
two days one night
diary of a teenage girl
take shelter
ernest & celestine
searching for sugarman
beyond the black rainbow
dark horse

i don't work for tubitv, & i certainly don't get anything out of randomly saying nice things about them on a message board, but i am genuinely happy that a free, ad-based streaming service suddenly has a lot of what i'd call good to great films.


it has improved over the past few months.


I'm shocked at not only the amount of content on Tubi but also the quality of many of the selections.


I am, too. My service added it recently. I use it a hell of a lot more often than Netflix. It has a much wider variety of movies and TV shows, and nothing that is annoying. Netflix has has a lot of I-wouldn’t-be-dead stuff. Good on tubi.

EDIT I watched Senna some time ago, because I’m a Formula 1 fan. Unlike films like Rush and Ford v Ferrari, I’m not sure that people who are not international motor racing fans would be engrossed.


i'd always meant to give senna a watch, even though i have zero interest in formula 1 or any kind of racing, or cars in general, as i'd always see it given glowing reviews.

i finally gave it a go this afternoon, & i really liked it, a lot, & in fact found it surprisingly moving by the end.


Good news
The Lobster looks interesting and several others too

Tubi is a good service, the ads are not terribly long and the content always appears to be uncut


Do they have subtitles? Because if I'm streaming it's usually on my phone in public places, so I would like to keep it silent.




Wow great! I'll check it out.


Too bad the app doesn't provide video quality options. It automatically gives the highest quality available regardless of my connection's bandwidth. Movie would constantly buffering on my phone. Can't use it on the go.


that's a bummer.


Oh man I forgot I still haven't seen Diary of a Teenage Girl yet! Phoebe Gloeckner (who made the autobiographical graphic novel it's based on) was one of my professors in college. Completely bonkers and I love her so much.

Thanks damosuzuki! ps love yer band


hah, that's a neat little detail about gloeckner. i actually once had a little interaction with a fellow, now a film-maker if i remember correctly, on a prince fan message board who knew her as well. it's a terrific film, fun, sweet, pleasantly trashy at times. i'm probably going to give it a re-watch myself fairly shortly.


Woo nice review! I'm ready to feel the discomfort rip through me lol.

Man that's cool. Phoebe is one of the most truly eccentric people I've ever known. She would be chronically extremely late to classes, and then bust in like a bat outta hell in a sweaty flurry, immediately en media res on a rambling monologue that had nothing to do with what the class was supposed to be about. Virtually any subject could and probably would at some point connect to her personal obsession with unknown psychologist/author Ira Lunan Ferguson and his epic and impenetrable 3-volume autobiography, I Dug Graves to Attend College by Night. She had a lot of great stories about her life, including her friendship with R. Crumb, and went on plenty of wild questioning tangents about all things real shit. Somehow it always ended up being inspiring in just the right way. She's a human tornado in the way that only true geniuses can be.
Meanwhile though she's just so genuine. She trusted us to break any rules we needed to find a true expression and was always very real with us and didn't bother much with the facade of the prof/student dynamic.

This doesn't quite do her justice, but suffice to say, def way up there in my top 3 best teachers of my life and one of the most inspiring and cool people I've met.


great post.
i actually picked up a library copy of gloeckner's graphic novel a few years back after seeing the film, but i had about 3 other books on the go at the time & couldn't get to it. you've inspired me to pick it up again & give it a genuine read.


Thanks for the Tubi additions list, I've been enjoying their selections quite a bit lately. Yidio is a good resource to find what Free Movies are available and Tubi is mentioned there quite a bit.


if anyone's interested, a few interesting films were added today:

track 29 - minor but fun nick roeg
damsels in distress - lesser whit stillman, but still enjoyable.
peppermint candy - 1999 korean film that i haven't seen, but is apparently highly regarded.
layer cake - haven't seen this either, but have heard good things
rubber - definitely the best film about a killer tire i've ever seen.

and a whole bunch of other stuff, some of which looks like trashy fun.


How intrusive are the ads?


Two ads for about 30 seconds.


Actually, they aren’t. They are very short, often a few seconds. I have never seen a series of ads running sequentially—no ad blocks. tubi alerts you when an ad is coming, with a notice in the upper left-hand corner of you screen, counting down from about 8 seconds and assuring you that your video will be back right after that. I am VERY impressed with where and how tubi inserts ads. They always come at the end of a scene. There is no scenus interruptus. I don’t know why other services haven’t given this the thought that tubi has.


