

I use a 4 point system and generally consider 5 attributes: 1) technical (which I know the least about but enough to know when something is well made, or not), 2) writing, 3) acting, 4) entertainment, 5) level of success at what it wants to be (if it wants to be a horror film, is it scary? if it's a love story, do I identify with the characters emotionally?)

1. Sucks, all attributes fail, probably will not finish the movie.
2. Works on some levels, some attributes are successful. Not likely to recommend the movie. If genre, only the most hardcore fans will appreciate. (most remakes)
3. Most attributes are competently achieved. The film is entertaining but for most people a one time viewing, except to fans of the genre or franchise.
4. All attributes are adequate or better, some are above average. The film will be influential. It appeals to it's intended audience and is likely to get repeat viewings.

So while I'm considering the overall objective quality, I'm also considering if the film is successful and appealing to it's intended audience, so it's a relative score, not an absolute. Movies that hold themselves as high art will be judged more critically. A low budget movie that is competently but simply shot with enthusiastic but unskilled actors and has an interesting story may score a 3. And if I were actually reviewing movies in some form that mattered, I would use a 2 part rating system that would first give a score based on technical merits and second score based on its subjective effectiveness with intended audience. The aforementioned B movie might get a score of 2|3, below average technically, above average in entertaining to its intended audience.


Not exactly. I generally use an /10 system, but I often acknowledge that my subjectivity is clouding my judgment and struggle to rate some films objectively. I know what I like, but I also know that a film I don't like can still be better than my personal preference rates it.


I'm terrible at rating movies because I don't have great objectivity...I'm just lacking in that department:/

For example, Citizen Kane, a movie which seems to be near the top of every 'Greatest Movies Ever' list bored me to distraction
I'd give it a 3/10 because I admired the camera shots but you couldn't make me watch it ever again even if you had a gun on me

Friday the 13th: Part 3D is probably on a lot of serious 'cinephile's' shit list but to me it was an instant classic for the slasher fan crowd
10/10 movie perfection

I'm no good at rating things, I only know what I like
