MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > You know what I hate?

You know what I hate?

People who review or write comments on movies that they didn't like, that say things like "Don't watch this garbage movie", "Avoid this movies, at all costs", "Don't waste your 2 hours (or whatever the run time is) on this dreck", etc.

I mean how do people have such an inflated view of themselves that they think their taste(s) are universal? If you don't like a movie, fine but don't presume to know what others like.

I don't know how many movies I've loved that other "reviewers" told people to not watch.

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Well yes, but a bad review will always be more entertaining to read than a positive one, critics have endless ways to creatively say something sucks ass. A bad review will often be funnier than one gushing about how impressive the mise en scène is...

To your point though, I don't take any heed in someone telling me to avoid a movie. In fact, it's kind of like having a big red button in front of me and someone telling me to not push it. F*ck that, I'm pushing that sh*t.


It's useful for weeding out untrustworthy reviews, though. Views that are so polarized are often like that. You likely wouldn't trust a 10/10 rating that was accompanied by only shining reviews, either. You need specifics to really trust a review and phrases like "garbage movie" or the more positive side "absolutely loved it!" are both good for the ignore list.


Yesterday I watched a movie with horrible acting, horrible producing, with outdated, cheesy effects that made move like it was shot in nineties... So, I can't say that it was garbage and waste of a time?


Am I not making myself clear? I'm fine with people saying a movie is so bad, punching babies is better. Saying it was "a waste of MY time" is a-okay. Assuming others share your tastes and telling them not to watch it, is douchey. "IMO".
