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Dang, it's 🧊 cold out

I had an outside task to do this morning. I nearly froze my fingers even though I was out there only about ten minutes. It's a whopping 12°F right now. I didn't think I'd be out there long enough to matter so I skipped wearing gloves. Halfway through I came back inside to warm up and find a pair. Even my work gloves were better than nothing.

I needed to bring in some plant pots from the front steps before snow covers them. I forgot about them last year and had to dig them out after the first snowfall.

I also had to put down some ice melt. That rain we had a couple of days ago has turned to ice and left some treacherous slippery spots. Don't ask how I know this.


My first time up here was Christmas of '92. A blizzard. Thought it was like that every year. Turns out it was! But the last 17 years have been rather mild. Plenty cold but not much snow. Three to six inches three or four times a year.
