MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How are you supposed to clean the plunge...

How are you supposed to clean the plunger or toilet brush after using?

Just run it under the shower/bathtub faucet? That’s pretty disgusting, considering how small that drain is. Why has nobody thought of/addressed this major sanitary issue?


Stealthly swap it with a new one in Walmart.


I like your style.


You can a brush to clean the old brush, then another brush to clean the second brush and so on.

Or.......just buy a new brush.


I clean my one with dental floss or if needs be piano wire.


I just flush the toilet again and swoosh it around in the running water.


Throw some bleach and dawn liquid in clean toilet water and swish around the plunger or brush. Easy peasy


I'll keep that in mind, thanks.


They hardly ever get replaced either. Valid question that I have no answers for.


Take them outside and use the garden hose. Works like a charm. I also have a suggestion for storing the Plumber's Best Friend :D. It keeps your floor clean where it sits.

Take that jug of milk you or your family just emptied, rinse it until it's clean, cut out the bottom so it makes a little "tray," and place it facing up under your plunger. Works like a charm.

This doesn't apply to the brushes because they always come with a holder.


I usually just lick it clean.


After I flush the toilet I just swirl the toilet brush in the fresh water.
