MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you guys watch this week (17/11...

What did you guys watch this week (17/11-23/11)

What did you watch huh!

Have you ever seen these:

Enter the void (2009 Full Length Director’s cut DVD): “Do you have any DMT? “ It was the first time for me to revisit this beautiful nightmare. Almost took me 10 years to finally confront my fear and my fear was right; this is one of the most visually mind-blasting movies ever made. One of the most emotionally jarring and difficult to watch. One of the most beastly and brutal sex-N-drugs infused life-N-death story ever told. I would rate it higher but the last 40 minutes are not on par with the first 2 hours. My rating: 8.5/10

Welcome to the jungle (2013 TV): Being both a fan of JCVD and The O.C., I thought this could be a hidden gem for me but no. It fails on most levels and ends up drawing a mere smile on my face here and there. (Fun fact: both this movie and Enter the void have a character that mentions the drug Datura.)My rating: 4/10

Born in East LA (1987 TV): At first I didn’t remember anything about this movie title but it all came back to me pretty quick; it has some highly memorable moments like “fuck me! No, fuck YOU!” Or “waas sapening?” Or the shopping cart full of oranges...I enjoy that movie a lot man, props to my man Cheech who wrote, directed and lead. It’s all about simple fun and a good vibe nuanced with hints of romance and an undertone of social-commentary. My rating: 7/10


I haven't seen any of yours this week. My ratings of what I watched:

A Joyous Christmas (2017) 7/10
Switched for Christmas (2017) 7/10
Christmas Under the Stars (2019) 7/10
Write Before Christmas (2019) 7/10
Frozen II (2019) 9/10
The Sweetest Christmas (2017) 7/10
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) 6/10


My wife also enjoys these tv Christmas movies but I can only tolerate 1 or 2 per year.

As for the What do plan to wat h this week thread; most of the times I barely have any clue what I’m going to watch AND, what In don’t like is it spoils potential movies to use for our guessing game.

I might do it again someday but not for now.


Stonekeeper, the only one of yours I'm familiar with is Born In East LA and I've only seen bits and pieces of it. Seemed pretty funny. Allaby, looks you're off and running with Christmas movies, none of which I've seen. I'll be heading into that trend myself soon.

My Ratings of what I watched this week:
It's been a few years since I watched it, part of my belated Veterans' Day theme this year. Jeremy Davies ticks me off even more than he ued to; he's so gutless. But the good story and action more than makes up for him.

BEFORE AND AFTER (1996) 7/10
Drama centered on a wrongly accused son and how his family and the townspeople react to the situation. It shows the potential that Edward Furlong had before his substance issues.

KELLY'S HEROES (1970) 7/10
Goofball World War II comedy about a mission to sneak behind enemy lines after $16 million in gold.

SSSSSSS (1973) 7/10
Mad scientist sci-fi film where the doctor's specialty is snakes, with a lot of real snakes featured. A rare lead role from Strother Martin, who does a great job carrying the story. Nice side story with Heather Menzies as his daughter, who gets involved with Strother's lab assistant, Dirk Benedict in an early pre-A Team role. Not for everybody but even my wife likes watching it once in a while.

It's a strange little film, granted. But it kept me interested throughout. I finished watching it last night and I'll watch it again eventually. For me, it's one of those movies that I'll pick up on even more the next time through. My initial impression was a David Lynch type film but more everyman than Lynch's usually are. I think you can enjoy the quirks along Sam's journey better if you were once a partying person like I once was.


HOUR OF THE GUN (1967) 8/10
Well done Western about Wyatt Earp with James Garner and Jason Robards (Doc Holliday) during the Tombstone battles. It fills in some incidents that Tombstone (1993) didn't cover without being contradictory. Much better portrayal than Gunfight at the Okay Corral (1957), which to me was a Hollywood mash-up where they take the names and make up whatever storyline they want; like they did with The Untouchables (1987).

Still a great action film with great performances from Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. I've watched this many times and I still enjoy it.

I had never heard of this one before meeting my wife, and we enjoy watching it together. Drama/romance about a rancher's son determined to work his father's ranch after he dies, despite strong opposition. A film that's grown on me. There's a sequel that I think is even better, Return to Snowy River (1988).

SORCERER (1977) 7/10
An underrated gem that was released a month after Star Wars (1977), and I didn't get to see until quite a few years later. Still interesting on this, my second time watching.



Saving Pvt. Ryan: 10/10
Raiders of the lost ark: been too long but liked it back then


Batman Begins (2005) - After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption. Katie Holmes was terrible and the Rachel character was in the way. Ggood action and a good story overall. 7/10

The Dark Knight (2008) - When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept one of the greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice. Ledger steals the show and is performance is worth of his Oscar. The movie needed more of the Joker I thought. 7.5/10

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - Eight years after the Joker's reign of anarchy, Batman, with the help of the enigmatic Catwoman, is forced from his exile to save Gotham City from the brutal guerrilla terrorist Bane. This really falls off. I wasn't impressed with the Bane character and his quick death. Catwoman also seemed unnecessary. 6.5/10

Dazed and Confused (1993) - The adventures of high school and junior high students on the last day of school in May 1976. Finally saw it. It is a fun movie and I loved the music. I am not sure who the main character is. Not a plot driven movie. 7.5/10

Inside Man (2006) - A police detective, a bank robber, and a high-power broker enter high-stakes negotiations after the criminal's brilliant heist spirals into a hostage situation. Just roll with this movie. Denzel is great. Just don't pick apart the story line. 7.5/10

Klute (1971) - A small-town detective searching for a missing man has only one lead: a connection with a New York prostitute. I have been hearing about this movie for years and I was disappointed. This is not a thriller. It is boring and tedious and the actions of the killer makes no sense. Fonda was the most boring prostitute ever. 6/10

The Death of Stalin (2017) - Moscow, 1953. After being in power for nearly 30 years, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin takes ill and quickly dies. Now the members of the Council of Ministers scramble for power. British and American actors playing Russians. This wasn't that funny. The death of Stalin would have been better treated as a drama. 5.5/10


Batman begins: 7.5/10
The Dark Knight: 9.5/10
The dark knight rises: 6.5/10
Dazed and confused: 9/10
Inside man: 8/10


i absolutely love enter the void. it's ridiculous, preposterous, overblown & far too long, & i love every single second of it.

my week:

good vibrations (2012) 4 the story of terry hooley, a key figure in the belfast punk scene.

teenage kicks is the greatest 158 seconds of music anyone's ever made. i'm ok with this film existing if it was only a testament to that. the moment where we get to hear it is truly magical. really.

it doesn't quite reach that mid-film climax again, but it's still such a fun testament to diy punk spirit. i wish it wasn't soiled with the occasional bit of marxist blather, but it's so joyous otherwise that i can't penalize it too harshly.

i wish the wife and kid didn't disappear from the end of the film, though. did he keep the house? marriage intact?

to this day, i really don't understand what it was those people in ireland were fighting about. i mean, i know it was protestants & catholics & all that, but my knowledge goes no deeper than that. this film didn't enlighten me, but that wasn't what it was put on this earth to do.

touki bouki (1973) 2 one of the first films to come out of africa & be widely distributed i believe, & widely recognized as a classic of world cinema. gotta say, this did absolutely nothing for me. i found it utterly lacking in any kind of drive or energy or anything at all that might have kept me engaged. i was desperately trying to latch onto something, anything, but nothing was there.

the game changers (2019) 3.5 doc on vegan athleticism.i'm slightly uncomfortable giving this a strong recommend, because my reading & personal research has indicated that the record on meat vs vegan diets is not quite as stark as this doc might lead one to believe.

it's certainly the case that high level athletes can & do excel on vegan diets. there's no contesting that. where i don't believe things are so clear are on those issues of heart disease & cancer & direct health impacts.

i'm basically a vegan myself (i still have cheese & eggs at my sunday morning visits with my mom), & i do it because it's clear to me that it's the right thing to do. i think the way we pen innocent animals, brutally subject them to all manner of miseries, is one of the worst things we do as a species, and it is absolutely unconscionable.

that is the argument that compels me, & it's the argument i make to others. meat has been part of human diet as part of our evolution, & i have no reason to think it's innately unhealthy. it is the ethics of the meat industry that drives me & i think should drive everyone away from supporting it.

i'll still give this a good grade for being very well made & compelling & interesting all the way through. i'm just not sure that it's on solid footing.

hush (2016) 3.5 mike flanagan really knows how to make stuff like this work.

it's efficient, brutal at times, & he actually creates characters you can give a shit's dick-ass about.

i still think dr sleep is a misfire, but i'm willing to give it another chance, since i like everything else he's done so much.

mirror (1975) 4 this is my third go at mirror, i believe, and it's still just as impenetrable as ever. google tells me this is autobiographical, which i will accept, but it's certainly not rendered in any way that will mean something to a person expecting something like a coherent narrative.

i like stalker & solaris a lot, and in most ways i don't think they're difficult films, not in the way mirror is. they have characters & plots & you can tell what people are doing and what they'd like to see happen. no such things are available to the audience here.

i have enjoyed mirror every time i watch it, & think it has several great images in it (though not as many as stalker or solaris), but i can't quite give myself over to it, i guess. it is a tough nut to crack. almost like the cinematic equivalent of trout mask replica.

murder made easy (2017) 3.5 a very pleasant surprise found among the chaff that makes up most of what you'll find streaming in the horror section of tubitv - a genuinely fun murder/comedy. no idea who these people are or whether they've made anything else, but this is a tight, funny, & genuinely pleasing time. you could easily imagine this working as a cheerily morbid play, & if there's any justice in the world this will be discovered & seen by more people. i think it's very deserving of a cult audience.

bodied (2017) 4 A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession.

the girlfriend in this movie is exactly like twitter troll account titania mcgrath! down to her looks.

bodied is a lot of fun. it's silly, funny & full of energy, & the hyper-woke satire is spot on, but also full of interesting ideas about culture & bias. would be perfect if it wasn't so long.


the ecstasy of isabel munn (2012) 3 teen girl is seduced by vampires. a bit lacking in any kind of gripping story, & a few of the actors chew the scenery a touch too emphatically, but it has a good look, sound and style, and the lead actress looks very fetching covered in blood.

starcrash (1978) 3.5 as we all know, there is great trash & unwatchable trash.

starcrash is awesome, fantastic trash. some of the effects look like they could have been made by swinging my old battlestar galactica toys on string. joe spinell is completely without embarrassment. caroline munro is stupidly foxy.

& pleasantly enough, it moves nicely. it has lots of ridiculous and completely fun set-pieces that actually have a bit of spark & energy.

the only reason this isn't a perfect b-movie is because munro isn't in that leather swimsuit/fetish gear for the entire running time.

the sacrifice (1984) 4 tarkovsky's final film. has the tone you'll expect if you know his work, but has a humanistic, even emotional feel that surprised me. & it contains an ending shot that is truly one for the ages.

ford v ferrari (2019) 4 for a 150+ minute film, i did think there were a few plot short-cuts here, that a few details were a bit scarce (cars get delivered, we never really find out how lemans is done with multiple drivers), but i had so much fun with this i simply do not care.

i didn't even care that this thing reveled in one of my least favourite tropes: the cinematic insistence that anyone who wears a suit & works for a big company is an amoral, inhuman monster.

i'm a person who doesn't care the least little bit about cars or races or any such thing. i've never owned a car in my life, never want to. but i loved every god-damned second of this thing, loved tracey lett's blubbery ford, the foxy wife & especially christian bale.

& the racing scenes are truly exciting & hypnotic & need to be seen on a big screen.

warriors of the wasteland (1982) 3 if you like road warrior clones, you'll probably find something to enjoy here. the dialogue is ridiculous (& badly dubbed in places, i think), the acting is predictably awful, the woman is reasonably foxy. it alternates between being fairly dull (mostly) and occasionally surprisingly exciting (a few of the chases are fairly well done), & occasionally lol funny.

oculus (2014) 4 this is a great movie, and i will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Always a good read with you.

Only saw Oculus and I still got my review: This is a superb psychological-horror movie, not only did it freak me out but the story is interesting and constructed by agile hands. Acting is just solid enough, editing is fluid but complex and the script, like I said, was very entertaining. 7.5/10


Nope, I've never seen any of them.


-Grand Piano (2013)
Boring as hell and the constant music (and then the awful singing) drove me nuts.

TV Shows:

-Relic Hunter - marathon
Finally! The last episode! I absolutely hated this third season, but I just felt I had to finish it. Next series will be "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" starring the wonderful Jeremy Brett.

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-Twilight Zone (1959) - marathon
Nope, the episodes being one hour long doesn't works.

-Murder She Wrote - marathon


I almost bought this movie for 2$. Almost.

I thought it was only piano, not singing.


Don't let my fabulous taste stop you from buying and watching bad movies!

There's an awful song the wife of the main character sings near the end of the movie. It gave me a headache.😩


It was my sports movies week

AST I watched
42, two boxers films : A film about Vinny Paziencia and A film about Roberto Duran. I finished my sports movies marathon in theaters with ford vs Ferrari.

I liked better the one about Paziencia than the one about Duran, the film about Paziencia was more like Rocky, it’s an inspirational film a guy who seemed like he was finished due to an accident and was able to comeback and we get excited with his last fight which was against Duran.

Actually it’s because of that fight at the end I decided to watch the Duran film. The film about Duran is more like Raging Bull but in the B list category that it’s not a big feature film.

It’s more like something Scorsese would do, Duran is painted in a more realistic way and we get to see more of his highs and lows.

And if we compare these two with musicals biopics.
The one about Paziencia is like watching Bohemian Rhapsody while The one about Duran is Rocketman


Interesting. So did you enjoy ford vs Ferrari.? Looks pretty neat.


I did very much.
It’s really good. One of my top 10 favorite sport movies of all time


Just one for me this week as I've been busy with projects around the house:

Blue Murder (BritBox, 5 series, 2003-2009) Caroline Quentin stars as DCI Janine Lewis, and Ian Kelsey as her sidekick DI Richard Mayne. In series 1, DCI Lewis is pregnant with her 4th child and newly separated from her husband Pete, who left her for another woman. Lewis and her team work to solve high profile murders while she also deals with the problems of being a single mom. Well done with story twists that keep you guessing, and a more realistic portrayal of Lewis's family life - it's messy and she doesn't always get it right. 7/10 I don't know why, but BritBox showed several of the later episodes out of order, which affected the family life story-lines (e.g.son out of college, then suddenly still in.)



Nice of you to drop by!



Children of the Corn, starring Linda Hamilton. -1000000/10. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, doesn't even deserve a 0. It makes the Wicker Man remake look like a masterpiece.

Wicked City, a trashy sci-fi 1987 anime that most likely inspired Men in Black. 6/10.


I saw Children of the Corn as a child and remember only bits of it but it did creep me out.
