

Yep, I know the feeling. I do still experience it once a week or so but it never comes from new films and rarely from films after 2000. I most commonly get that feeling from movies made in the 60’s-80’s and many times from foreign directors.


I was born in '73 so grew up in the late 70's and 80's that wasn't a bad time for fun blockbuster type films and honestly they just don't make films like that anymore. Even the Marvel films which have that same element of "Go Big/More is more" aren't quite the same to me as Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Rocky, Rambo etc.

That said I was a kid back then so I think that is where chasing the dragon is futile. As adults I think we expect more than Hollywood can deliver. I tend to watch mostly older films as in 1930's through to early 60's because they appeal to me more as an adult. I would have hated them mostly as a kid, except for the Westerns.

A good example of how my tastes have changed since childhood is the original Star Wars films, I used to love them. I watched them a few years back and noticed how ordinary they were and they didn't have the same punch they did when I was a kid. Probably because I saw different aspects of them now.


It's because the franchises you mentioned were breaking new ground, which made their material more exciting to see.

I haven't watched the original Star Wars films for over two years now, but I'm hoping they're still as fun as I remember them.


It sounds like you just like movies too much to give up on them so you're willing to sit through so much crap to get to the good ones. I'm like this.


The problem is modern Hollywood: most modern Hollywood movies and series are a pile of shit. It's all about political agenda and CGI. No story, no soul.

How do I know is just Hollywood instead of me being some evil-nazi-grumpy-incel-horrible white male? Because I've found anime which has been going through a golden age last 5-10 years and I'm bloody enjoying it. I'm actually enjoying modern movies and series... just not from US.


That's my take on modern Hollywood; it seems to me they've taken the "Go Big/More is more" approach that Forsaken mentioned above to the point that it's gone so far past reality that they can't come up with any more one-upmanship.

I've gone back to the 60s-80s films I grew up with; they're still enjoyable in a lot of ways.


Omg. Chasing the dragon? Wow, really?
You do know that term is about smoking crack, right?
I get chills just thinking about it - and NOT the good kind...


Actually, the phrase existed LONG before crack was around. “Chasing the dragon” originated to describe people who smoke heroin. In Chinese legend, a dragon appears to you the day before you die, and gives you wisdom. The next day, you die. Those who are “chasing the dragon” meet the dragon within 1 year.


Okay so it's about smoking Heroin... ugh.
But that's some interesting information. I definitely didn't know that bit. But it's so much worse than smoking cocaine. I guess.
Can't figure out the benefit of wisdom for a whole 24 hours. That would have to suck in a really large way.
Still... chasing the dragon is Bad.
