MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > My friend thinks he is god’s gift to wom...

My friend thinks he is god’s gift to women

He has always done well with little effort, and everyone questions his success because he is extremely average looking. The general consensus and only logical conclusion is that he gets girls because he is black, and it’s pretty obvious.

He has bragged numerous times about his big dick and how many girls have told him how big it is. Yet somehow he still thinks his disproportionate success with women is due to his looks or personality or some other rewarding attribute.

When I tell him about my struggles with women he is insensitive to them and insists he has somehow earned or deserves the level of success he has achieved and it gets really old, to the point that I resent him. Not because I’m jealous, but because he’s so oblivious and has such an inflated opinion of himself.


This post is racist.


Oh ffs!!


But you can accuse me of being out of line.


Well as a matter of fact you are out of line.

(1) You made an observation which is totally irrelevant to the OP's post.

(2) You posted it.

You were out of line.

I, on the other hand, simply posted a reaction. No comment, no remark, no observation, just a reaction.


I don't think you were out of line Laura. I laughed at your comment, it was obviously a joke.

I also don't think this post is racist. It's just as dumb as a bag of hammers. Who the fuck cares if this guy resents his big dicked black friend for pulling more girls. Really?

This is worse than the Kardashians


Why does no one seem to grasp that this has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy/resentment for his success and everything to do with resentment for his ATTITUDE and arrogance. People just hear what they want, pathetic.



At last we agree on something!


Nice deflection


Again, your words: "he’s had plenty of skeezers but he still gets regular attention from pretty attractive young girls. It is really frustrating to see."


Yeah but the overriding point of my OP was that he’s obnoxious about it


What people are picking up on is your resentment of him. Partly because we've all read your other threads about your frustrations with women.

More to the point, why are you friends with such an awful, obnoxious person? The types of people we choose to be around have a major impact on our lives, so choosing well is important.

If you pick friends who are misogynistic, arrogant, insensitive assholes, that's going to affect you and your life negatively, because it's negative.


The only thing this subject has in common with my other threads is women. I am not taking my frustrations out on him this is an entirely separate issue.


The trouble is, you do seem to have a lot of issues.


I think I’m just more easily bothered by them. My life isn’t that unique.


There’s a lot of things that appear to upset you.


You're a fast learner and I dig your style.
Do you have a favorite movie?


Get a room


Lol, it does sound like that, doesn't it
Yo, Silverstone - no homo, mmmkay?


Damn, you had my hopes up there for a moment Laura 😜


Some people always had it with women naturally, despite the fact that they aren't especially good looking nor good guys. It doesn't have anything to do with race. I know white guys, black guys, asian guys, latin guys or from any race or culture who have this success, and sometimes they really make you wonder why.

It's called charm, assurance and charisma, not the size of their dick..

Btw, THIS is the controversial post I was hearing about? Well, it's kind of ignorant and based on stereotypes (and probably some envy), but it is not really offensive..


Sometimes it’s charm, but sometimes it’s just strange


Yeah, I know many guys who have this weird perk for god knows what reasons.

There is one individual (a white guy) who really left a mark for me: he was gross, not in good shape, vile, an asshole to women, wasn't exactly attractive (from what other women told me), he didn't have any money, no car, in huge debts, etc. So overall, he didn't have any of the characteristics that you except from someone who is successful with women. Still, he was constantly in couple and fucking around intensely.

I never understood how he managed to do it, but he did. He had assurance, I admit, but that's about it. Sometimes you cannot explain it.

This being said, not all women he hooked up with were attractive. He basically told me that he doesn't give a shit about attractivness and if he wanted to get laid, he was ready to take any women who he can have..
