MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are women allowed to trash men but m...

Why are women allowed to trash men but men can’t criticize women?

Women constantly bitch about how all men are shit, when the majority of men are just nice guys who would happily treat women like queens. What they mean is “the small percentage of guys we want are assholes and we pretend we hate it but we don’t because we keep going back to them”

Meanwhile, if a man points this out, or levels any sort of criticism at women they are immediately crucified by both sides - the women obviously don’t like being called out on their backwards psyches and the men are lined up to defend them because they are desperate and think it will help them get laid. It’s really pathetic. You will see plenty of this below in the comments.


I think somebody has mother issues. If this is really the way you feel counseling might help you.


What do you mean? Nothing in my OP about how I “feel”, just facts I’ve observed


Because I think your perception is skewed. I'm not attacking you. I am just commenting on the premise you presented.


Yes saying I have mother issues and need counseling is not an attack lol.

Perhaps you could be more specific as you definitely didn’t comment in any way on the premise I presented outside of the tired, cliche “you need help, woman hater!!!” response.


Because you seem to think women dump on men more than the other way around. People sling shit at people all the time. It isn't gender specific.


This is true but it has become more acceptable to "bash" men than women, these days as evidenced in movies, TV shows, etc. In commercials for example, men are portrayed as idiotic dolts who need the so much smarter, level headed wife, to keep their heads above water. If it were the other way around, the outrage would be staggering.


Meh, maybe I just don't look for these things. I certainly don't see this as a problem.


And maybe you see these things, but don't see what they mean.

If you had been looking in the 60s, when the Steinems and the Greers et al first started this campaign of hatred, you might be more able to see it today. Since around 1969, it hasn't diminished, subsided, or even been moderated by the advance guard. In fact it's been taken up so enthusiastically by their successors, that today, it's a societal element that's set in stone. It's regarded as a prerequisite for "womanhood" to believe every piece of that hatred which those first haters published. Their psychotic rantings are thought to be self-evident truisms by young women.

The belief that men are worthless, inferior people who are responsible for every human failing is today taken for granted and presumed like a tenet of Common Law.

The absurdities of the modern western world, which most of us recognise with dismay, can be directly traced back to Feminism. All of them, period.


"men are portrayed as idiotic dolts who need the so much smarter, level headed wife, to keep their heads above water. If it were the other way around, the outrage would be staggering."

What you're missing is it was the other way around for eons. I'm not saying either swing of the pendulum is good, because it's not. All it does is create resentment.

I see a lot more men bashing women these days than women bashing men. At one point it was understandable, when there were women who really did bash and dislike men, but now it's not. FWIW, I'm a woman and I did call out other women when they were being as hateful and sexist toward men as men were to women. It's been a very long time since I've seen or heard that.


That’s because you’re not on social media. It is way out of control, every other post is about how men are shit and there are no good single men blah blah blah. At least in the younger generation I am friends w on there, it’s rampant. That is clearly a direct reflection of the general sentiment among young single women.


MovieChat is part of social media. I assume you mean Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc?

I find it difficult to believe that "every other post is about how men are shit and there are no good single men" and think you're exaggerating.

I see quite a lot of woman bashing going on. It's gotten bad. When I see it, it gives me a good heads up because I know that's not the kind of person I want to be involved with. If I see a woman bashing men, it gives me a heads up too, because I know that's not the sort of person I want to be around.

Angry, bitter, resentful people aren't attractive, either as friends or romantic partners.


Message boards may technically be social media but they are not what most people mean when they refer to social media, which almost exclusively refers to apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

I don’t see hardly ANY woman bashing, but literally nonstop memes about how men are worthless and girls may as well date themselves. Reiterating that fact is not “woman bashing”, no matter how much you want it to be.


every other post is about how men are shit and there are no good single men blah blah blah. At least in the younger generation I am friends w on there



What the fuck are you talking about?




I'm not missing that things were different in the past which is why I said "these days". You are right about that pesky pendulum, lol. It'd be nice if humanity could learn how to keep it in the middle. :)

Where is it you see the women bashing (honest question)? Because I don't see it. I also don't see a lot of man bashing either, in the real world. People are for the most part, respectful. My examples were in media, mainly. I see a lot more man bashing there.


Sorry, I missed your "these days" :). God yes, it would be so great if we humans could learn to at least aim for balance, instead of continually wildly swinging one way or the other!

I see a lot of women bashing here and on some other social media. Not so much IRL, thankfully. But I wonder, since those people on social media live *somewhere*, some of them are bound to live where I do and I wonder how many are raging anonymously online while being normal in person.

There's a local site with a message board I read for a while, because sometimes it had good info on things happening here, but OMG, so many of the posters are frightening! I don't know who they are but I know they live here and chances are I've met several of them, who appeared to be normal in everyday life. Not specifically talking about women or men bashing, just raging in general.


You yourself have mentioned that you might benefit from therapy.




Go on………….


Betcha you STILL don't understand why women aren't more interested in you.




I imagine he prints out these threads and shows it to women he wants to ask out while saying "See?! See what a thoughtful and understanding person I am?!"


I criticize the nosey old bitch next door all the time.


"Women constantly bitch about how all men are shit"

Wait , what ? they do? mine dosent, except her ex husband , who is a bit shit tbh.
